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More than 60,000 new records are sent in to the book each year,but they cannot  1  be printed.  2  ,the editors of the book set down the records and keep track of tehm in other ways.The records  3  different categories.The Guinness Book of World Records has chapters  4  the human body,amazing feats,the natural world,science and technology,arts and the media,modern society,travel and transport,and sports and games.You can learn that the oldest person is a woman  5  lived to be 122 years and 164 days,that the longest moustache reached a length of 1.6 metres and  6  the longest poisonous snake is 5.71 metres long.There are also strange records,like the Englishman who balanced a small car  7  159.6 kilogrammes on his head for thirty-three seconds!

Why are people so interested in world records?Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same  8  that led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place.We want to know  9  is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves.Clearly,we are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. 10  we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions,the Guinness Book of World Records  11  interesting reading.

Anybody can try to set a record.There are,however,some records that the book does not 12  .No records 13 dangerous to the person who is attempting it or to others 14 .If you want to try to 15 a record,you should first contact the Guinness Book of World Records.The editors will decide if your idea is suitable and then send you rules and the form you need 16 the record.Afterwards,if all goes  17 ,a Guinness official will come to  18 your attempt.If you are  19 ,the official will confirm the record and you will get a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records  20 that you are a world record holder!

1.(   )A.both          B.all         C.either        her

2.(   )A.However       B.So         C.But           D.Instead

3.(   )A.are put into               B.were put into

C.are putting into                D.were putting into

4.(   )A.of            B.in         C.on            D.over

5.(   )A.who          B.whom       C.which         D./

6.(   )A.who          B.that          C.which         D./

7.(   )A.weighed       B.weighs        C.weighing       D.weigh

8.(   )A.curious        B.curiosity       C.feeling        D.emotion

9.(   )A.which         B.what          C.who           D.when

10.(   )A.If           B.Whether       C.What         D.Which

11.(   )A.made for      B.make for       C.making for      D.makes for

12.(   )A.allow         B.get           C.accept         D.receive

13.(   )A.are          B.that              C.that are          D.which

14.(   )A.were allowed   B.are allowed     C.allowed        D.allow

15.(   )A.keep         B.break         C.set           D.stay

(   )16,A.apply for      B.applying for       C.to apply for     D.applied for

17.(   )A.good         B.well           C.bad           D.badly

18.(   )A.inspect       B.examine        C.observe        D.look over

19.(   )A.fail          B.failed         C.successful      D.succeeded

20.(   )A.stated       B.states         C.state         D.stating


20.(   )We’ll have the discussion in the garden_____the hall.

A.instead of      B.instead in      C.instead of in          D.instead


19.(   )He works in a factory_____modern machines.

A.equipping with                   B.to equip with

C.been equipped with                   D.equipped with


18.(   )Is_____necessary to complete the design before National day?

A.this          B.that                C.it            D.he


17.(   )He____gas a mile from home,therefore he had to wait for someone to

take his car to the gas station.

A.ran out        B.ran out of         C.ran into         D.ran over


16.(   )Climbing Qomolangma____ great skills and ______not without risk.

A.requires……is                 B.requires……are

C.required……are               D.required……were

