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55. -----Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favour, please?

  ----, _________sir. What’s it then?

  A. Just a minute.     B. It’s very nice of you.   C. That’s all right.  D. At your service.


54.------It was careless of you to have left the house without turning off the gas.

  ----My. God! ________.

  A. So were you.    B. So was I.    C. So did I.    D. So I did.


53. Here ____________ and there___________.

  A. comes the bus; he goes      B. the bus comes; goes he

  C. is coming the bus; he is coming     D. the bus is coming; is going he


52. ________, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

  A. Other things to be equal    B. Other things is equal

  C. Were other things equal     D. Other things being equal


51. Was it not until she took off her dark glasses that _______she was a famous film star?

  A. did you realize   B. you realized   C. you had realized   D. had you realized


50. Although many of the houses in the small town ______still in need of repair, there _____ lots of improvement in their appearance.

  A. are; has been    B. is; have been   C. is; are   D. are; was


49.The boy sitting by the window is only one of the students who __________from the countryside in our school

  A. was    B. were    C. is   D. are


48. All of us are still wondering ______he gave away all his money to the Hope Project _____he himself could use it for a better life.

  A. how; while   B. why; when    C. that; when   D. why; but

