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The opening ceremony of this famous yearly competition (比赛) will begin at 11:30 a.m. There will be music groups, rappers and children’s chorus. 12∶25 p.m. sees the introduction of the eaters who come from all over the world. At 12:40 pm., the historic 12-minute all-you-can-eat competition will begin. The world record stands at over 50 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes. Will anyone beat the record this year?
Viewing is available on a first- come-first-served basis. Television are invited to use a two-tiered (两层) stage three meters from the main stage. The area in front of the main stage is kept for photographers and television cameras without tripods(三脚架)
Few periods in history are as exciting as the time when the Vikings(北欧海盗) were known-and sometimes feared- through- out Scandinavia, the British Isles, Russia, all the Mediterranean, Africa and even America.
Frojöl is a family-based society, which aims to relive and describe the Vikings from a harbor- Frojöl, on the Swedish island of Gotland. Frojöl was one of the richest trading centers in the Viking world.
   The members of the society aim to recreate the clothing, weapons, tools, jewellery, games, food and furniture of that long-gone period. They want to enjoy an escape to a simpler, more relaxed time, with like-minded people. They will also use the items they have made to relive that age at various public entertainments.

57. According to Advertisement I, the famous yearly competition is ________.

A. a music competition            B. an eating competition

C. a cooking competition           D. a picture-taking competition


20. Every minute is made _________of __________ our lessons well.

A to use; study     B use; studying   C use ; to study    D used; study


19. When first_______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

A introducing     B introduced    C introduce     D being introduced


18. Whom would you rather ________the work?

A to have to do              B to have do

C have to do                D have do

