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10. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when  

  he worked with others.

   A. temper            B. appearance         C. talent             D. character


9. ________ the unclear statistics, it is clear that advertisers do play a part in the lives of our media.

  A  Despite of      B  In spite that     C  Despite     D  Although


8. He was caught in the heavy rain last night , which     his cold .

   A.can bring about                        B.ought to bring about

   C.may have brought about                 D.shall have brought about


7. The crazy fans ______ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.

   A. were waiting        B. had been waiting   C. had waited         D. would wait


6. ______ nice and delicious, the roast turkey in this shop are always sold out soon.

   A. Tasting            B. Tasted             C. Being tasted        D. To taste


5. ----Can I speak to Mr. Wang , please ?


A. Who are you ?        B.I’m Wang .          C.Speaking    D.Are you john ?


4.     I caught sight of the spy’s car stopping in front of my villa     there was immediate danger .

   A.Until ; I realized                       B.Not until ; did I realize 

   C.Until ; didn’t I realize                   D.Not until ; I realized


3.Pop music is loved by lots of people, but it is not to everyone’s _____.

A. taste         B. favor        C. sound       D. smell


2. We lived in ___ wooden house at the foot of the mountain, which was ____ 18th century building.

  A  \; the     B  a; an      C  a ; \       D  the; a



  从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. Poor _____ he was, he never gave up and worked to make his own career.

   A. although           B. as                C. since             D. while

