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18. Maria has to baby-sit.That’s___ she can’t come out with us.

A. why      B. how       C. when       D. what 19. People often want to know what my job is.Often I___ that question.   A. ask     B. am asking        C. get asked     D. get asking 20. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much.  A.I heard     B. did I hear     C.I had heard    D. had I heard 21. -Did you visit the famous museum?   -No. We ________ it, but we spent too much time shopping.  A. could have visited          B. must have visited  C. can’t have visited          D. shouldn’t have visited 22.We didn’t plan to meet. We met ________ in the street.  A. by the way      B. by chance    C. on purpose     D. in surprise 23.The motorcycle competition in the desert, ________ lasted ten days, is over now.  A. it      B. where       C. which        D. that 24.---I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater.   ---Where did you ________?  A. pick that up   B. put that up    C. make that up   D. take that up 25.-This bag is perfect. Miss, how much does it cost?   -________, but I don’t work here.  A.I don’t know    B. I’m sorry   C. Maybe very dear     D. You can’t afford it


17. The corn powder with two other things _______ water to make all kinds of good. A. are mixed with   B. is mixed with   C. are mixed by   D. is mixed by


16.Paris is ___ most beautiful city,where you can see___ famous Eiffel Tower. A.a;the    B.a; 不填      C.the;a    D.不填;the


第二节 (本节有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

听下面一段材料, 回答11-13三小题.

11. What will the woman do?

A. Go on a trip to Spain.    B. Move to Spain.   C. Study in Spain.

12. What will the woman do with her apartment?

A. Sell it.        B. Rent it.      C. Give it up.

13. What can we learn about the woman’s apartment from the conversation?

A. It has some good furniture inside.

B. The landlord is not very kind.

C. It is near the university.

听下面一段材料, 回答14-15两小题.

14. How will the woman go to Shanghai?

A. By train.         B. By air.       C. By bus.

15. How long will the woman stay in Shanghai?

A. About a week.    B. Just the weekend.       C. Four days.



1.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.    B. Strangers.      C. Father and daughter.

2. What’s the man going to do tonight?

A. Go to the cinema.    B. Sell the tickets.     C. See a friend.

3. Where probably is the man’s book now?

A. In the kitchen.     B. Under the chair.     C. On the shelf.

4. Where probably is Mr. Baker now?

A. At his office.     B. At a restaurant.       C. At the travel service.

5. How many children are there in the classroom?

A. Five.              B. Seven.         C. Twelve.

6. What will the man do in a minute?

A. Sit down.    B. Have a rest.    C. Help cook supper.

7. What does the man mean?

 A. Tony is under the water.

B. Tony is not feeling well.

 C. Tony is watching the weather report.

8. What can we learn from the conversation?

 A. The man talked to a stranger just now.

 B. The stranger asked the two speakers the way to the bus stop.

 C. Neither the woman nor the stranger knows where the bus stop is.

9. What number did the man dial?

A. 65643216.      B. 65647216.     C. 65673216.

10. What is Mr. Smith doing right now?

  A. Repairing the phone.    B. Making the phone call.  C. Standing by a phone.


Cloze A

Do you know what kind of things the young people are reading? More and more   16   and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, which comes from the printed papers  17  on streets.

These printed things  18   newspapers but have hardly anything to do with  19  . You can only find reading materials badly made up there – some are too strange for anyone to   20  ; others are frightening stories of something  21  . However, many of the young readers are getting interested in such  22   reading, which   23   them what they should pay for their breakfast and brings them nightmares and immoral(邪恶的) ideas in   24  . Homework was left  25   and daily games lost.

These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers,   26  they are, we never know, are  27   their silent money.

The sheep–skinned wolf’s story seems to have been forgotten once again. Why not  28  this kind of thing? Yes, both teachers and parents have asked each other for more strict control of the young readers.  29  , the more you want to forbid it, the more they want to have a look at it .   30  you may even find several children, driven by their curious natures,   31   one patched paper, which have traveled from hand to hand .

It really does  32   to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral pollution. The   33   teachers and parents need more powerful support in their protection of the young generation. At the same time, the young  34   need more interesting books to help them  35  those ugly papers.

16.  A. writers           B. readers           C. students           D. teachers

17.  A. sold             B. printed               C. put              D. found 

18.  A. work out          B. look like          C. act as            D. depend on

19. A. them             B. children           C. young people       D. it

20. A. think             B. believe           C. know            D. understand

21. A. still worse         B. even better         C. very good         D. more important

22. A. wonderful         B. interesting         C. useful           D. poisonous

23. A. spends            B. costs            C. pays            D. takes

24. A. sight             B. common          C. return            D. use

25. A. unknown             B. much            C. less              D. undone

26. A. what             B. whoever          C. whatever          D. wherever

27. A. making           B. spending          C. wasting          D. using

28. A. forbid            B. separate           C. leave             D. stop

29. A. Luckily           B. Unfortunately      C. Badly            D. Happily

30. A. Always           B. Hardly           C. Sometimes         D. Seldom

31. A. share             B. get                 C. hold                 D. take

32. A. good             B. favor             C. wrong            D. harm

33. A. puzzled           B. surprised          C. disappointed        D. worried

34. A. teachers           B. parents           C. readers           D. writers

35. A. come into         B. break down        C. get rid of             D. get off

Cloze B 请在横线内填入单词的适当形式

History is full of examples of successful people with disabilities. They  36  to the society rather than give up. The case of Professor Stephen Hawking is one example of the many of the  37  people who have achieved success in the chosen field of work. Beethoven lost his  38, yet continued to write great music. Some people have wrong  39 towards them, considering them stupid. Actually, many people have a disability. Some need glasses to read, some may have  40 in moving. It is probable that one day we’ll  41  up with a disability. In China, more government program has been  42  to help them. More  43  schools will be built. We should also bring these people back to normal school,_44__ young people will learn about disability by going to the same schools and learn to help them more, it is  45  to both sides.


15. Firemen said the fire was under control, but they warned that the change in the weather might _________new fires.

  A. lie in      B. bring in    C. result in     D. break out

