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26.-Will you go to the West Lake tomorrow morning?

  -No, we are going climbing, or at least I’m planning _______.

A. it       B. to       C. that     D. so


25.It made all the students happy ______ they heard that they would have a few days off.

A. when      B. what      C. that     D. which 


24.-Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the airport, please?

  -Sorry, I am a stranger here, too.


A. No problem           B. What a pity

C. Sorry to hear that         D. Thanks anyhow


23._____ I know the result of the election, I will send you an e-mail.

A. The minute when B. The minute   C. The time when  D. The time


22.-Alice, you ______ get a nice present if you get full marks in this math test.


A. should     B. must     C. would    D. shall


21.The most serious problem _____ our teachers is how to send more students to top universities.

   A. faced      B. facing     C. to face to   D. facing to


35. I left the theatre ahead of time, so ______ won the first prize is still unknown.

   A. who     B. whoever    C. no matter who    D. anyone who



34.It was in the small village _____ I grew up _____ I opened a computer company.

A. that; where   B. where; that   C. which; where  D. where; which


33.-Could you come and join us in the game?

  -No, sorry, I am ______.

A. stuck      B. engaged    C. lost     D. puzzled


32.-Is this taxi ______, Madame ?  -No, get in, please.

  -I’ve got to catch the 6:30 train. Do you think I can ______ it?

A. taken; make   B. finished; do  C. free; manage D. held; get.

