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25.Don’t      studying English . I think English may be hard to learn, but it’s very useful.

    A.give back       B.give out        C.give up        D.give off


24.-Would you like something to drink ? What about a glass of milk?

   -    . I think I’d like a bottle of beer.

    A.No, thanks      B.OK           C.I’d love to      D.Yes, just a little please


23.He is the only one of the students who      in the United States for two years.

    A.is             B.are            C.have been       D.has been


22.Have you found out      the two people are talking abut in this tape?

    A.what          B.that           C.where          D.why




21.-Where’s      nearest bookstore?

   -There’s one at      end of the street.

    A.the; an         B.a; the          C.the; the         D.a; an


15. It would be worth trying      you should not get immediate success.

A. unless    B. whether   C. as if    D. even though


14. Temperatures in the United States      measured according to the Fahrenheit Scale, on

which 32 degrees    the freezing point of water and 212 degrees the boiling point.

A. are; is     B. are; are    C. is; are   D. is; is

