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12.It was   back home after the experiment.

  A.not until midnight did he go   B.until midnight that he didn’t go

  C. until midnight when he didn’t go  D.not until midnight that he went


11.-Do you mind if I visit you now and talk about the advertising campaign,Mr. President ?

   -I'd rather you    at the moment.

   A.are not coming  B.don’t come  C.didn’t come           D.will not come


10.The local government is trying all out to find out who is _______the forest fire.

   A. to blame for starting    B.to blame to start

   C. to be blamed for staring   D.to be blamed to start


9.Mom, I lost   diamond ring you bought for me as my birthday present.

   Could you keep______ eye out for it when you clean my bedroom?

A.a;an       B.a;the       C.the;the             D.the ;an


8.-why are you so late ? I   here for more than an hour .

  --I’m terribly sorry. I overslept and missed the bus.

   A.am waiting    B.was waiting    C.have been waiting      D.have been waited


7.Is the Haihe River,     through  Tianjin ,very large? 

   A.which flows       B.flows.          C.which one flows  D.flowed


6.Jim is awfully  difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his,_______ ,is more true than any other.

 A. once gained       B.when to gain      C.as gained     D.while gaining


5.Richard was called in by the police to answer questions    disappearance of Thomas Ripley,  whose relatives were so   his present situation,

   A.concerning;concerning about      B.concerned;worrying about

   C.with regards to;concerned about      D.regarding;concerned about


4.To keep healthy, a lot of people   jogging as a  regular form of  exercise .

   A.took up         B.caught on        C. carried out    D.made for


3.Willpower is a kind of quality…and that is    it takes to do everything well.

   A.why            B.that            C.what        D. which

