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36.BCBAA  41. DDCAB  46.DBAAC   51. CBBAA


21. CDABA  26. BCADB  31.ADBCA


  1-5 ABCCA   6-10CCCBC  11-15CABCA   16-20BBCBB










   It is difficult for parents to teach your children to be responsible   76.________ (有责任的) for housework, but with one of the followed suggestions, 77.________ you really can get your children help you at home. If you give your   78.________ children the impression which they can never do anything quite right,79.________ then they will regard themselves unfit or unable persons. Unless they 80.________ believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independence.81.________ Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead. Talk about         82.________ what they’ve done right, but about what they haven’t done. If your    83.________ children complete a difficult task, reward (酬劳) him with a Sunday   84.________ trip or a ball game of Dad.                    85.________


 Competition is necessary for the development and advancement of a society. Cooperation is important for the existence and  36   of a society. Competition can  37   one to make greater progress,  38   cooperation can bring benefits to society as well as to everyone. In my opinion,  39   competition and sincere friendly cooperation should be  40   and promoted.

    Competition  41   be seen everywhere and every time. It can be very  42  . for example, the workers of one factory try their best to produce high quality products in order to compete with other factories to take a larger  43   in the market. College students compete with each other, to get better  44  , win scholarships, and then get better jobs in the  45  . This is just like a  46   in the sports meeting. Only when we dash along can we  47  . On the other hand, we live, work and study with many other people and we are  48   of a society. In many cases, we can’t do  49   cooperation between us because each one’s ability is  50  .  51  , cooperation is also important. As  52   as we are cooperative, our achievements will be greater. We can say that cooperation is the  53   of success.

    In one word, if one wants to be successful, to gain greater achievements, and to  54   for a happier and safer life, he or she must  55   to be both competitive and cooperative.

36. A. value            B. peace           C. fortune         D. freedom

37. A. pull             B. draw           C. push            D. drive

38. A. or               B. while           C. but             D. for

39. A. fair             B. false            C. extra           D. frequent

40. A. encouraged       B. exploited        C. increased        D. prevented

41. A. must            B. should          C. would           D. can

42. A. steady           B. helpful          C. nervous         D. severe

43. A. sale             B. business            C. share           D. part

44. A. grades           B. degrees          C. prizes           D. pay

45. A. college           B. future           C. contest          D. cooperation

46. A. game            B. signal           C. fight            D. race

47. A. arrive           B. succeed         C. fun             D. finish

48. A. members         B. students            C. masters         D. leaders

49. A. without          B. with            C. in              D. for

50. A. broad           B. narrow          C. limited          D. strong

51. A. However            B. Otherwise       C. Therefore       D. Besides

52. A. soon             B. long            C. far             D. well

53. A. key             B. base            C. result           D. cause

54. A. seek             B. care            C. wait            D. pay

55. A. learn            B. pretend         C. remain          D. appear


35. Though ____ in San Francisco, Dave had always preferred to record the plain facts of small town life.

A. raised   B. grown   C. developed    D. made 


34. Arafat died of _______ unknown illness and his death was _______ shock to his people and the world.

A. a; a       B. an; /      C. an; a        D. a; the


33. Jenny liked Fred _______ all the boys he was the most honest one.

A. because     B. because of    C. as           D. for that

