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6. There’s a feeling in me _________ we’ll lose the important soccer game.

  A. that           B. which        C. of which         D. what


5. - -- He failed the exam again! What should I do, Miss Wang?

-----In my opinion, your son is __ than stupid.

A. quite lazier   B. much lazier  C. more lazy    D. lazier rather


4. -Stella, don’t forget to take the sleeping bag with you before going camping.


    A. No, I will      B. Yes, I agree        C. Thanks for reminding me  D. Yes, of course not


3.    Who would you rather _______ to the cinema with you?

A. have go   B. have gone   C. have going   D. have to go


2. -The exam was easy, wasn’t it?   

-Yes, but I don’t think _____could pass it .

A. somebody     B. anybody       C. nobody       D. everybody




1. ---- Are you sure to help me find _____________ school for my son?

 ---- Sure, but not now. I’m heading for __________ school and have English classes.

   A. a; /       B. a; a       C. the; a         D. the; /


请你用英语写“澳大利亚概况”。 词数120左右。



