
 0  311815  311823  311829  311833  311839  311841  311845  311851  311853  311859  311865  311869  311871  311875  311881  311883  311889  311893  311895  311899  311901  311905  311907  311909  311910  311911  311913  311914  311915  311917  311919  311923  311925  311929  311931  311935  311941  311943  311949  311953  311955  311959  311965  311971  311973  311979  311983  311985  311991  311995  312001  312009  447348 

9. The theory he stuck _____ correct.

  A. proved     B. was proved    C. to proved     D. to was proved


8. ---  _________ do you think ________ to them?

  ---  They must have gone the wrong way.

  A. What , happened          B. How, happened

C. What , of happening         D. How, of happening


7. The man will use what he has ________ a camera for his wife.

  A. to get      B. got        C. buy       D. had bought


6. What water is ________known to all.

A. to be      B. is        C. are       D. was


5. She told us _______ she had done.

  A. all what     B. all which      C. what all     D. that all


4.The fellow I spoke ________no answer at first.

A. made      B.  making      C.  to made    D. to make


3.The student _________my last letter is going to work in Japan.

A. referred     B. referred to     C. referred to in   D. referred in


1.The play______ on New Year’s Eve was a great success.

A. put       B. put up       C. put on     D. was put

2 The did all he could _______ the patient.

  A.  save     B. have saved    C. to save     D.  saving






注意:1.词数:100 左右;2.不能逐字翻译,并注意文章的逻辑性;3.要有合适的标题上。




1~5 BBABB  6~10 CBABC  11~15 CABCA 16 ~20 CBBCC

21~25 CCBBC  26~30 DACBB  31~35 BBCBC

36~40 ACBDC  41~45 ABDCB  46~50 BACAB  51~55 DDDCA

56~60 BADCA  61~65 CDDCB  66~70 CBADD  71~75 CDCBB

One day an old man was walking slow along a    76. __slowly____

street when he saw the little boy who was trying     77. ____a_

to reach a doorbell, it was too high for him. He      78. __which__

was a kind-hearted old man, but he stopped         79. __so___

and said, "I will ring ^bell for you," and then        80. __the _____

he pulled it so hard that it can be heard all over      81. __could___

the house. The little boy looked up^ him and        82. __at______

said, "Now we will run away. Go on!" And         83. ___Come____

before the old man knew what was happened,       84. ___was____

the boy had run round the corner of the street.       85. ____∨_____


1.approve siderate  3.casual vinced  5.clarify

6.adjustment  7.transparent 8.outstanding 9.satisfaction  10.modest


What is the greatest regret?

Recently a survey was conducted in Europe among elderly people over 60 years old. The topic is: What is the greatest regret? Here is the result.

72% regret they didn’t work hard enough when they were young while 67% think they chose a wrong career. More than half of them (58%) regret not having had enough exercise and 11% think they haven’t earned enough money.

In my opinion, it is really true that the greatest regret is not working hard enough when one is young. When young, he is energetic and quick to learn. He should seize the golden chance or he will get nothing but regret when he is old, just as the Chinese saying goes.


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

One day an old man was walking slow along a    76. ______________

street when he saw the little boy who was trying     77. ______________

to reach a doorbell, it was too high for him. He      78. ______________

was a kind-hearted old man, but he stopped         79. ______________

and said, "I will ring bell for you," and then         80. ______________

he pulled it so hard that it can be heard all over      81. ______________

the house. The little boy looked up him and         82. ______________

said, "Now we will run away. Go on!" And         83. ______________

before the old man knew what was happened,       84. ______________

the boy had run round the corner of the street.       85. ______________

