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18. ---- What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?

--- Well, great! But I don't think much of _______ you bought.

A. the one     B. it        C. that      D. which




上周六, 张华去河里游泳,回来途中淋了雨。晚上头疼得厉害,妈妈带他去看医生,医生说他得了重感冒,叫他卧床休息三天。因此今天不能到学校上课,也不能参加周二的




Dear Mr. Liu,

    I’m writing to you to ask for sick leave.

   Last Saturday I went to swim in the river and I was caught by a rain-shower on the way to home.  That night I felt headache.  My mother gave me a temperature and found

I had a heavy fever. She took me to see a doctor the next day. The doctor said I had a bad cold and asked me to lie in the bed for three days .So I can’t come to school today and I can’t attend the basketball match to be held on Tuesday, too.

                                 Yours,                                   Zhang Hua



一句话即点明了主题。 但文中有10 处错误,请改正。

KEY:  1-5 CCCCA  6-10 BAACA  11-15 DAACA  16-18 BDC

Dear Mr. Liu,

    I’m writing to you to ask for sick leave.

   Last Saturday I went swimming in the river and I was caught in a rain-shower on the way home.  That night I had a headache.  My mother took my a temperature and found

I had a high fever. She took me to see a doctor the next day . The doctor said I had a bad cold and asked me to stay in bed for three days .So I can’t go to school today and I can’t take part in the basketball match to be held on Tuesday, either.

                                 Yours,                                   Zhang Hua



17. Mr. Thompson, without _____ timely help finishing the task would have been out of

 the question, fell sick last week.

A. his       B. him       C. what     D. whose


16. How many of us ________,say, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?  

 A. attended    B. attending     C. to attend    D. have attended


15. It’s impossible for all the people to get jobs because ____ of them are not fit for them.

   A. all       B. none      C. not all     D.  every one


14. The film brought the hours back to me _____I was taken good care of in that faraway village.

  A. that      B. until      C. when     D. where


13. cf.  I’ll never forget the days ______we spent together.

     I’ll never forget the days ______ we worked together.

  A. \ ; when             B. when ; \ 

C. which;  that           D. when ; that


12. --- What ‘s under the tree?

  --- ____________.

  A. Some sheep      B. There’s a lot of sheep under the tree               C. They are some sheep      D. It’s a sheep


11. Don’t let a child who is __________go to school.

  A. so young as to  B. not old enough to  C. a quite young   D. not old enough


10. Is _______the man said that really true?

  A. that       B. what       C. all that      D. that all

