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第二节  书面表达(满分25分)





   I’m writing to tell about the discussion we’ve had in the recent class meeting about whether Senior 3 students should take a lot of tonics to keep fit.






第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






Yesterday my English teacher asked each student write        76.________

a composition title “The Greatest Achievement of My        77.________

Life”. I’m not sure what to write about it. I’ve thought        78.________

it over for a long time. I did many things. Coming to         79.________

America, get a job and meeting new people were my        80.________

Achievement. I think my greatest achievement was         81.________

learning English. Sometime I don’t understand everything      82.________

people are saying, but each day I get better or better.        83.________

I told my teacher this was difficult composition to write.      84.________

Above all, it is hard to measure everything you have done      85.________

in your life.


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The lady with the white fence taught me to leave the gate to life open…

When my husband died of a brain disease, I became very angry. Life was not   36 .  I hated being alone. One day, as I was 37 down a busy street in town, I suddenly noticed a new fence, which was being set up 38 a house. I  39 to the side to really admire the fence. The carpenter had done such a good job that my eyes almost 40 up with tears. I could not  41 myself away. I stopped the engine, went over and touched the fence. It still 42 of fresh paint. I could hear a lady was trying to start the lawn mower in the back garden.

“Hello!” I shouted and 43 at her. “Well, hello!” She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron. “I-I came to see the fence. It is so beautiful!” I said.

“The fence is not there for my 44 ,” the lady explained to me in 45 voice. “I live alone. But so many people drive by every day, and I thought they 46 be glad to see something really nice. People see my fence and wave. 47 stop like you and come up to veranda(走廊)to have a chat.”

48 weren’t you sad when they expanded the road and everything changed so much?” I asked.

Her reply 49 my life. “Change is a part of life and takes part in 50 us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices: to become a 51 person or to become a better person.”

I carefully left the gate 52 and drove on with a new feeling inside me. I could not 53 what it was, but I could feel the thick stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And 54 a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my 55 .

36. A. fair      B. unhappy     C. successful     D. unknown

37. A. walking    B. driving      C. wandering     D. running

38. A. near     B. beside      C. around       D. in

39. A. pulled down  B. pulled off     C. pulled through    D. pulled out

40. A. welled    B. dried       C. took        D. kept

41. A. put      B. tear       C. send        D. carry

42. A. felt      B. tasted      C. sounded       D. smelled

43. A. looked    B. stared      C. waved       D. glared

44. A. sake     B. street      C. job         D. income

45. A. an angry    B. a frightened   C. a doubted      D. have to

46. A. ought to    B. should      C. might        D. have to

47. A. Everyone   B. Nobody     C. A few        D. Few

48. A. So      B. But       C. Thus        D. Though

49. A. gave     B. changed      C. charged      D. cost

50. A. making    B. leaving      C. finding       D. catching

51. A. better     B. bitter      C. best        D. worst

52. A. open     B. closed      C. broken       D. locked

53. A. discuss     B. speak       C. talk        D. tell

54. A. unfortunately  B. besides      C. surprisingly     D. instead

55. A. position    B. way        C. route       D. method


35.-Has Billy finished his homework today?

-I have idea. He _________  it this morning.

A. would do     B. was doing      C. has done      D. had done

