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34.The label of a product ought to be in clear English and be_______one can find it easily.

  A.thre where   B.in the very place   C.in the place which   D.where


33.Prices of food in that area__________sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.

   A.were cut down. B.were rising    C.had gone up       D.have been going up


32.I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_________?

   A.do I      B.could I      C.did he        D.has he


31._________mainly for the invention of the telephone,Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life

to helping the deaf.

   A.Remembered  B.To be remembered C.Having been remembered  D.Though remembered


30.Newly-arrived guests must____________at the hotel’s reception desk.

   A.register     B.exchange      C.expose       D.apply


29.-It’s cloudy outside,please take an umbrella.


A.Yes,take it easy.  B.Well,it just depends  C.Ok,just in case  D.All right,you’re welcome


28.- ___________he come to see you as he promised?

-of course,please,and I’d rather he_________me the truth.

 A.Will,informed      B.Shall,told      C.Should,will tell   ,tells


27.You can hardly imagine the diffculty the woman had___________her children.

   A.brought up     B.to bring up     C.bring up     D.to have brought up


26.Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still can not________himself to the

Chinese customs.

   A.adopt       B.account       C.adapt      D.accept


25.To their great surprise, they found___________in the meeting.

  A.they were not understanding      B.themselves not understood

  C.they had not understood         D.themselves not understanding

