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A typical child begins watching television at an early age. Experts say that by three he or she will be viewing with some understanding. Between the ages of four and fifteen a youngster will probably watch, on average, two and a half to three hours a day.

It is during the early years that families pass on values like honesty and generosity. If certain television programmes introduce different, conflicting values, you may want to guide your children away from them.

Set reasonable time limits for watching. Two and a half hours a day is thought to be a sensible maximum for schoolchildren. Beyond this, you can allow extensions for something special like a late evening wildlife programme or a favourite film. Homework and family activities should be done first.

Children usually learn more when watching with adults, whether at home or at school. A programme can often be the starting point for an informal discussion. When a TV show ends, ask your youngster what seemed real and what unlikely. What point was the programme making? Let your children tell you what was terrific, disappointing, clever or silly.

Children's attitudes are formed by observing their parents' reactions. Your unwillingness to believe all the advertising promises, for instance, could help your children grow into wise consumers.

Without leaving home, children can meet their peers in Peru or Papua New Guinea. They can step back in time, go to the bottom of the sea or visit elephants in Africa. A youngster with a television can even sit in on a House of Commons debate.

Children can profit greatly from television. According to Dr Máiire Messenger Davies: “With television we can guide our children but we need to let them develop their tastes and trust them a bit too. It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

 Answer the following questions briefly.

66. Why may parents want to guide their children away from certain programmes?

67. What should children be given with regard to their television viewing?

68. How can children learn more than by watching alone?

69. What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?

70. Why do you think the author has written this article?



You may find it convenient to obtain accommodation in the institution where you are studying. Alternatively, you may prefer to rent a room in a house or flat with other students. The various types of available accommodation are listed here. The cost of accommodation will be different according to the facilities provided and the location.

●Boarding houses: These are a combination of single and shared rooms which are rented out individually. There are two types of boarding houses available:

i) Self-cooking (you do your own cooking in a communal kitchen). Cooking and eating tools are often provided.

ii) Full board (meals are cooked for you).

Facilities in a boarding house usually include: fully furnished room, linen, shared bathroom, gas / electricity charges.

●Shared houses or flats: Shared accommodation is available when somebody has a spare room in their house or flat which they wish to rent out. The rent and costs of gas / electricity are shared equally between the people sharing the flat. Each person is also expected to help clean and tidy the shared living space (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, living room). People sharing a house or flat are also responsible for cleaning their own room, doing their washing and cooking their own meals.

●Residential colleges: Residential colleges are a feature of many academic institutions in Australia. The colleges are located on campus or very close to the campus and usually provide single study / bedrooms, shared bathroom, all meals and linen.

●Rented houses or flats: These are usually for a longer term. Most flats are unfurnished and do not contain any furniture except a stove. Houses are considerably more expensive than flats, and rent changes with size, condition and location. The costs of electricity and gas are additional. When renting a house or flat you sign a tenancy agreement with the landlord. Make sure you fully understand the agreement before you sign.

Complete the following sentences according to the text.

61. You cannot cook your own meals in full-board boarding houses or in ________________.

62.In a shared house, all the people living in it share the expenses of three things: ______________.

63. The amount you pay to rent a house depends on ________________.

64. The accommodation that is available inside an academic institution is called __________________.

65. You should only sign an agreement after you are sure that you ________________.



Even if all candidates arrived for their exams with equal knowledge and ability, some would manage to get higher grades because of technique. Sitting an exam is a skill in itself. It can be learned and practised. Common errors can be recognised and avoided.

It is useless to attempt to learn new material a day or two before examinations. After weeks of study it is important to clear the mind, not cloud it. Refresh your memory about key points by going through your notes. Check the style of questions used in the past. Double-check the time and location of each examination.

Try not to change your diet or sleep patterns greatly. Research shows that if students are used to having breakfast, their academic performance suffers when it is missed. And people who never eat breakfast do not do so well if one is suddenly provided.

While it may be traditional to work with a cup of black coffee, be careful to avoid drinking too much caffeine during long hours of studying. It may harm rather than improve performance.

Give yourself plenty of time on the day of your exam so you can check you've got everything you need. Leave the house with time to spare.

Try not to arrive too early or talk about the examination with friends before you go in.

In the exam room, lay out your equipment carefully so you know where to find everything. Read right through the exam paper very carefully. Check the instructions to ensure you are clear about exactly what you have to do.

Plan your time and decide how long you should spend on each question. If you attempt only three-quarters of the paper, you could lose a quarter of the available marks completely.

If you are unsure of anything, do not hesitate to ask an invigilator (监考人). Complain if something is disturbing your concentration-someone tapping, a distant music lesson, or the invigilator's new shoes.

Avoid the temptation to stay with friends analysing the paper in detail afterwards. Instead enjoy a spot of mental relaxation, give yourself a treat, and then move on to the next examination.

Complete the table below which gives some advice about taking examinations. Write IN NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each blank.


49. As a senior, this concept has become even more noticeable. In my freshman year, I told myself that I would live my life _________ what anyone thought of me.

 A. not consider B. not caring C. thinking D. discovering


48. I consider this to be a type of epidemic (流行病). When one person wears a new style, _________ more and more people try to match that fad (时尚).

 A. it isn't long before   B. not until

 C. it is long before   D. it is not until


47. Through the years, I have discovered that almost everyone, _________ old or young, tries to be cool.

 A. no matter B. no matter what C. no matter how D. how


46. Every day at school I see students trying as hard as they can _________, or at least somewhat cool.

 A. look strange  B. to look active

 C. look crazy   D. to look popular


45. -Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom?

 - _________

 -Can't you see that it's not working right?

 A. Do you have to repair it?

 B. It is not very hot in this season.

 C. I also think we should buy a new one.

 D. What's wrong with the one we have now?


