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23. A. collection    B. selection     C. possibility     D. number


22. A. Besides     B. Above all     C. In a word      D. Finally


21. A. Therefore    B. What’s more    C. As a result     D. On the contrary


20. A. observe     B. follow      C. mind        D. notice


19. A. make      B. write      C. take        D. bring


18. A. expensive     B. cheap      C. tasty        D. extra


17. A. shop       B. prepare     C. learn       D. spend


16. A. after       B. when      C. since       D. until


15. A modern city has been set up in _____ was a wasteland ten years ago.

  A. what   B. which   C. that   D. where


Here is some advice on food shopping. Generally speaking, each family spends about one-sixth of its income on food. Because food is expensive, it is important to spend money wisely   16   you shop. A careful shopper can prepare nourishing(有营养的) and tasty meals inexpensively. Here are some suggestions to help you   17   better.

Buy only the food you need. There are several ways to avoid buying   18  food. First,  19  a shopping list before you go to the store. Then, when you are at the store,   20   your list carefully.   21  , do not go shopping if you are hungry. When you are hungry, foods look very tasty and you want to buy more than you need.  22 , go shopping alone if you can. If you shop with your young children, they often ask you to buy unnecessary food like sweets.

When you have a   23  , choose the least expensive brand(商标) of a product. There are   24   points to remember when you buy canned tomatoes, for example. First, look at the advertisement in the newspaper to see if your supermarket is  25   a “special” on canned tomatoes.  26   this, when you are in the store, you should check the  27  for each pound of tomatoes. Sometimes you save money if you buy the larger size can sometimes, however, you do not. Third, remember that a grade A product or a more expensive product is not necessarily more healthful 28  a grade B or less expensive product. Grade A tomatoes may look better,  29   all canned tomatoes have the same nutrients.

Shoppers seem to have special  30   when they buy fresh fruits and vegetables. There are several things to consider when buying fresh foods. Because fresh foods  31  if they are not used, you have to buy the correct amount for the number of people you are serving. Next,  32  to use fresh foods that are in season because fresh foods are  33   less expensive then. Lastly, choose fruits and vegetables that have a bright, fresh  34  . A good colour is often a  35  that the food has a lot of vitamins.


14. As senior3 students, we should make a schedule to get ourselves______ of what are to do in the day.

  A. remind   B. reminding   C. being reminded    D. reminded

