
 0  311896  311904  311910  311914  311920  311922  311926  311932  311934  311940  311946  311950  311952  311956  311962  311964  311970  311974  311976  311980  311982  311986  311988  311990  311991  311992  311994  311995  311996  311998  312000  312004  312006  312010  312012  312016  312022  312024  312030  312034  312036  312040  312046  312052  312054  312060  312064  312066  312072  312076  312082  312090  447348 

30.Long, long time ago, there was a mountain, At the top of the mountain __________, in which an old monk used to tell stories.

   A.a temple stood                      B. is there a temple

   C.stood a temple                      D. a temple was there


29.“Harry Potter” is such an interesting book __________ all kids like to read.

   A.as               B. that            C. /              D. which


28.The bus crash in Shenzhen resulted in 26 injured last week and it caused 19_________.

   A.die               B. deaths          C. dying          D. died


27.It was midnight __________ we reached the little town of Princeton.

   A.that              B. until           C. since           D. when


26.-Excuse me, sir. This is a non-smoking school.

   -Oh, sorry. I __________ that. I won’t again.

   A.don’t know                        B. didn’t know

   C.won’t know                        D. haven’t known


25.The secretary asked her boss whether he had anything more __________ before she went back home.

   A.to type            B. typed          C. to be typed       D. has typed


24.I would appreciate __________ if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello” to her.

   A.that              B. it             C. you            D. her


23.A lot of coal miners died on the job last year, __________ the local government to shut nearly 500 small mines in Shaxi Province alone.

   A.forcing            B. to force         C. forced          D. has forced


22.__________ historic meeting between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and KMT Chairman Lian Chan marked a new time in relations across _________ Taiwan Straits.

   A.The; a             B. A; /            C. /; the          D. The; the


第一节  语法和词汇知识题(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.-Would you mind if I used your computer for a little while?


   A.No, please don’t           B. I’d rather you didn’t

   C.I’m afraid not            D. Sure, it’s my pleasure

