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31.When it ____ education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong study.

   A.happens to     B.comes to    C.refers to      D.is related to


30.Most museums are just for looking. But today some of them have things for you to touch. The _____ say, “_______!”

   A.signs; No touching            B.notices; To touch 

   C.signals; Be touching            D.signs; Do touch


29.We believe _____ you have been devoted to ______naturally of great necessity.

   A.that; being     B.all that; be      C.what; is       D.that all; are


28.It is reported that _____ at the moment a terrible accident, ______three passengers were killed and twenty were injured as well.

   A.there occurred; in which          B.it occurred; where   

   C.it being occurring; in which        D.there occurring; when


27.The detective finally discovered the lonely house, whose door was half-open, ____ there for a while, and then entered it, only _____ the man he was looking for already dead.

   A.to stand; finding             B.stand; finding  

   C.stood; to find              D.standing; to find


26.---The fridge I ______ in town yesterday works well again.

---Thanks to the repairman, it saves you a sum of money for a new one.

   A.repaired      B.had repaired    C.has repaired     D.had had repaired


25._____ their differences, the two girls get on very well with each other.

   A.But for       B .For all       C.Above all      D.Except for


24.---I can’t wait to go to the dance. ______ my friend Ally come?

---Of course. She is always welcome.

   A.Shall        B.Should      C.Will        D.May


23.---You were tired out after the mountain climbing, weren’t you?

---Yes, ________. I could hardly rise to my feet.

   A.not at all      B.not a bit     C.not a little   D.not really


22._____ that there is no opposition, I will report it to the general manager.

   A.To provide                     B.Be provided  

   C.Having provided                  D.Providing

