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35.____you went to England for your further study?

  A. When was that it             B. When was it that

  C.When was that              D.When was it


34.The little boy was left in_____his grandparents during his parents’ absence.

   A. the charge of    B. charging      C. charge of      D. charge for


33.Television has many advantages.It keeps us___of the ___news and also provides

enterainment in the house.

  A. informed,latest  B. to know,later  C. learning,latter  D.to think,latest


32.He’ll accept the job____the salary is very low.After all he needs money.

  A. unless    B. if not         C. though       D.so long as


31.She_____in a school for three years before she became a graduate student two

months ago.That means it____two months since she _____a teacher.

   A. had worked;is;become          B. would work;was;was

  C. has worked;has been;became        D. had worked;is;was


30.It’s accepted ____to pay a deposit(定金)with one’s order in commercial campaigns.

  A. habit      B. hobby         C. practice     D. exercise


29.I think it’s your wife rather you who_____for your son’s bad performance at school.

   A. are to blame   B. is to be blamed    C. is to blame    D. are to be blamed


28.- How come a simple meal like that costs so much?   - We had ______in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

   A.added     B.included     tained     D.charged


27.To our surprise,we got______people to attend the meeting as we expected.

  A.as twice     B.twice much     C.twice many     D.twice as many

