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 Are supermarkets designed to persuade us to buy more?  When you enter a supermarket, the  (16)  knows better than you do how you will  17  - which way you will walk, where you will  18 what will make you  19  one product rather than another. When customers go into a shop, they 20 look to their left but  21 towards right. So supermarket are  22 usually on the left of building, and the design is to take shoppers  23 the store ,aisle(通道) after aisle, from left to right. Then shoppers will pay attention to all the 24.

  Fresh fruit and vegetables are 25 near supermarket entrances. This gives the impression that only 26  food is sold in the shop. 27 foods that everyone buys, like sugar and tea are put near each other. They are kept in different aisles so that customers are taken past other 28  foods before they find what they want. In this way, shoppers are  29 to buy products that they do not really  30.

  People walk quickly through  31 aisles, but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. One best-selling  32 for products is at the end of aisles, because shoppers slow down to turn into the next aisles.

  Sweets are often placed at children’s  33 level at the checkout(出口处). While parents are  34 to pay, children reach for the  35 and put them in the trolley(手推车).

16. A. assistant   B. manager   C. leader    D. shop owner

17. A. behave    B. select    C. choose    D. bring

18. A. go      B. stop     C. look     D. stand

19. A. enjoy    B. touch    C. ready     D. helpful

20. A. naturally   B. simply   C. easily     D. hurriedly

21. A. hurry    B. move    C. take     D. read

22. A. exits     B. toilets    C. entrances   D. centers

23. A. into     B. around   C. along     D. towards

24. A. products   B. signs    C. prices     D. aisles

25. A. stored    B. hidden    C. shown    D. bought

26. A. good     B. nice     C. necessary  D. healthy

27. A. Important   B. Basic    C. Fast     D. Fresh

28. A. tasty     B. cheap    C. expensive  D. attractive

29. A. invited    B. ready     C. encouraged  D. willing

30. A. need    B. eat      C. know     D. like

31. A. long    B. short     C. high     D. narrow

32. A. state    B. position    C. situation    D. action

33. A. hand    B. eye      C. head     D. height

34. A. sitting    B. asking    C. waiting    D. going

35. A. food    B. bill      C. money    D. sweets


15.Did you hear that Jim was robbed during his recent trip to Thailand ? Not only      his money , but he was nearly killed .

    A.he lost     B.was he lost              C.he had lost    D.did he lose  


14.-Have you ever heard of an American president called Chester A. Arthur .

   -No, and he’s not mentioned in my history book at all . He seems      .

    A.to have been completely forgotten        B.having completely forgotten

    C.to have completely forgotten            D.completely forgetting


13.They are still      the missing child , who disappeared last Sunday after attending her friend’s birthday party .

    A.asking for              B.calling for   C.hunting for     D.sending for


12.-Their car was hit by a truck on the way to the railway station .

   -     , they missed the train .

    A.No surprisingly          B.Not surprising C.No surprising   D.Not surprisingly


11.The weather was good in L. A. ,     there was bad weather near Chicago .

    A.or        B.but       C.so        D.once


10.-You      me crazy . Turn off the TV, Suzy .

   -Regis , I think you      a walk in the garden .

    A.are driving ; need                     B.drove ; needed

    C.drive ; are needing       D.have driven; are needed

