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第三节  书面表达(满分30分)



          3.参考词汇:取消-cancel  国际合作-international cooperation

The students of our school had a discussion about whether listening test in the National Matriculation English Test should be kept or canceled.


第二节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

           Dear Editor,

              I used to being a happy little girl but now I am shy     76. __________

           and say a few words. When I was eleven, I lost one       77. __________       

           of the front teeth and it replaced by a false one.          78. __________       

           No one knows about it except for two of my friends.      79. __________       

           However, I find that it is hard to face them because       80. __________       

           they know my secret. When I spoke to them, they        81. __________        

           often stare at my mouth, what makes me feel            82. __________       

           uncomfortable. I am afraid of making new friend as I     83. __________        

           think they will laugh at me. Sometime I even            84. __________       

           want to kill me indeed. What should I do?              85 . __________       




第一节  单词拼写(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)


66. We are all ______  (忧虑) for his safety.                            66. __________

67. They didn't know whether the ______ (手术) would be successful.       67. __________

68. I closed my eyes and felt the ______ (温暖) of the sun on my face.       68. __________

69. Did you hear the special ______ (广播) last night?                    69. __________

70. The people in the town ______ (加固) their defenses.                  70. __________

71. There are ______ (总共) fifty-three students in our class.               61. __________

72. With your ______ (许可) we will take the first train.                   72. __________

73. Would there be any hard words in the ______ (听写)?                 73. __________

74. It's a ______ (经常的) practice of his to take an early morning swim.     64. __________

75. We should look up to him as a shining example of ______ (献身) to duty. 75. __________

