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In my hometown there used to have a temple with a      76.__________

history of over a thousand years. It lies in a           77.__________

valley with green hills around it. It was very beautiful       78.__________

and famous that many tourists came visit it every day.       79.__________

They took photos; they wrote down their name on the       80.__________

walls; they brought food and drink and remained rubbish      81.__________

everywhere. One day some tourists made a fire to cook      82.__________

food near the temple. All with a sudden, a strong wind blew.    83.__________

The wooden temple caught a fire. Soon the whole         84._________

building was burned out and the temple had disappeared.      85._________



1.   住房条件:140平方,宽敞、整洁、环境优美,有三个卧室、两个浴室

2.   语言优势:自己擅长英语,父母是英语教师,不会有交流困难

3.   接待经验:去年接待过两名英国学生

4.   参观游览:可陪同美国学生参观厦门的风景名胜如鼓浪屿等, 帮助他们更好


5.   其它:……

注意:1. 文章应包括所有要点,可适当增加内容;

2. 词数:100左右;



  姓名: __________________  班级: __________________  座号: ______________


答题卷          Marks:______



35. Loving her son very much, Mary _____ two hours every Sunday to spend with him.

  A. sets out  B. sets off  C. sets down  D. sets aside


34. - I wish I had passed the maths exam .

-   But _____ you _____ hard enough? It’s no good regretting.

  A. did, work  B. have, worked  C. do, work  D. will, work


33. Every day lots of tourists take pictures in front of _____ was left of the building

  after the war.

  A. that   B. which   C. where   D. what


32. In general, _____ in the proper way, the experiment is quite safe to conduct.

  A. when doing  B. when to be done  C. when done  D. when being done


31. Tom, you should try to get a good night’s sleep _____ much work you’ll have to do.

  A. whatever   B. however   C. no matter   D. although


30. - Why did you come late for the meeting yesterday morning?

-   No one _____ me of the exact time of the meeting.

  A. has informed  B. informed  C. had informed  D. would have informed


29. Some experts present at the conference suggested that the project referred to _____ in order to protect the environment.

A. should abandon  B. be abandoned  C. being abandoned  D. would be abandoned


28. The woman who was accused _____ theft in the supermarket was found guilty.

  A. for    B. with   C. to   D. of

