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33. In the dark forests ________, some large enough to hold several English towns.

A. stand many lakes                       B. lie many lakes     

C. many lakes lie                             D. many lakes stand


32. ________ one hour in the morning, and you will be looking for it the rest of the day.

A. Lose               B. Lost             C. To lose           D. Having lost


31. It was with great joy ________ he received the news ________ his lost daughter had been found.

A. because; that         B. which; what        C. since; what        D. that; that


30. We won’t keep winning games ________ we keep playing well.

A. because            B. unless            C. when            D. while


29. Babara went to the States a couple of years ago, by ______ time she had learned to dance and act in comedies.

A. which              B. that              C. what             D. whose


28. The way he did it was different ________ we were used to.

A. in which            B. in what           C. from what         D. from which


27. John, look at the time! ________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A. Must              B. Can             C. May             D. Need


26. Many children have formed the habit of reading but ________ notes meanwhile.

A. not take            B. not to take         C. not taking         D. not to take


25. He spent as much time reading as he ________ watching TV.

A. wanted             B. needed               C. did              D. used


24. We’ve been looking at houses but haven’t found ________ we like yet.

A. one               B. ones             C. it               D. them

