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32.I supported him in time, otherwise he _____ off the bike.

A. might fall          B. would fall

C. should have fallen      D. would have fallen


31. He stayed away from school for ________seemed two weeks before the college entrance examinations.

A.as     B.what    C.it       D.that


30. The students were sitting in the classroom with their eyes   on the teachers.

A. fixing    B. fixed  C. were fixed  D. being fixed


29. -You haven’t lost the ticket, have you?

    -    . I know it is not easy to get another one at the moment.

A.Yes ,I have  B.I hope so. C.Yes, I’m afraid so.  D.I hope not.


28.The old couple decided to   a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.

A. adapt     B. bring  C. receive  D. adopt


27.She doesn’t like Miss Anderson, so she always avoids   with her.

A. being leaving alone     B. being left alone

C. being leaving behind     D. being left behind


26.The village was badly struck by the rare flood last night. The villagers were badly______ food and shelter.

A. in time of   B. in charge of   C. in want of     D. in possession of


25. He often depends on others.   , he doesn’t do things by himself.

A. In a word  B. In one word   C. In other words   D. In another word


24. It is suggested that the project he has been devoted to _____ because of the bad weather.

A.be put off   B.being put off   C.should not put off  D.not be put off


23.I can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left _____ city. I only remember it was _____ Monday.

A. the; the   B. a; the      C. a; a      D. the; a

