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24. The new power station s            us with more electricity.


23. You mustn’t drive up a street with a No E           sign.


22. Don’t be so g         (贪婪的). Leave some food for the rest of us.


21. Buying a train ticket one day ahead of time will usually g         you a good seat.


20. You can complain, but I doubt __________ it’ll make any difference.

  A. that            B. what         C. whether       D. where


19. Believe it or not, prices of daily goods __________ through the Internet can be lower than store prices.

  A. bought         B. are bought     C. having bought   D to buy


18. Don’t leave the water __________ while you brush your teeth.

  A. run            B. running       C. to run        D. runs


17. This year has __________ a big increase in road accidents.

  A. seen               B. overcome      C. resisted       D. supplied


16. __________ in long forms __________ a lot of time and few people like it.

  A. Fill, takes       B. To fill, take        C. Filled, take     D. Filling, takes


15. China is __________ to about one-fifth of the population on the earth.

  A, resort          B. downtown     C. home         D. family

