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11. Alice __________ a young man from China two years ago.

  A. married         B. married with    C. married to     D. was married


10. The terrible noise from the next room simply __________ me mad.

  A. drove           B. turned        C. caused        D. put


9. It __________ Mary and Tom who helped me.

  A. is             B are           C. was          D. were


8. – Who is swimming in the lake?        - _____________.

  A. It's Brown       B. Brown is      C. Brown is swimming  D. It’s Brown swimming


7. __________ nobody was very interested in it, they decided to cancel the trip.

  A. Seen that           B. Seeing that     C. They see       D. To see


6. The boy’s mother always __________ that they not accept invitations from strangers.

  A. says               B. thinks        C. warns         D. insists


5. Before I left for France, my parents and my friends all __________ me a pleasant trip.

  A. hoped          B. wished        C. expected       D. wanted


4. That’s one of those questions that really don't need __________.

  A. to answer        B. answer           C. answered      D. answering


3. This is __________ the waters of Amazon flow out into the sea.

  A. where          B. in which       C. which        D. that


2. Make sure you __________ the same story when you are a questioned a second time.

  A. keep on         B. insist on       C. stick to        D. hope for

