
 0  312059  312067  312073  312077  312083  312085  312089  312095  312097  312103  312109  312113  312115  312119  312125  312127  312133  312137  312139  312143  312145  312149  312151  312153  312154  312155  312157  312158  312159  312161  312163  312167  312169  312173  312175  312179  312185  312187  312193  312197  312199  312203  312209  312215  312217  312223  312227  312229  312235  312239  312245  312253  447348 

26. transported        27. declare       28. curiosity


21. accompanied      22. decoration     23. masterpiece    24. tore      25. justice


11. A    12. D    13. B    14. D    15. D    16. B    17. B    18. B    19. B    20. B


1. B     2. C     3. A     4. D     5. B     6. D     7. B     8. B     9. C     10. A


42. highly valued skill      43. keep trying / trial and error       44. come up with

短文 1

Living with,  created,  adjust,  to receive,  limit,  potential,  guidance,  sympathy,  to assist,  cooperating,  was started,  motivated,  realize,  accept

短文 2

Anywhere,  clicking,  are said,  tools,  describe,  true,  is similar to,  Using,  in the best way,  allows,  think about,  Now that,  challenge,  once

Unit 19-20


38. visually impaired   39. realize one’s dream     40. get dressed        41. fail to do


33. allow for      34. get used to        35. get around     36. participate in   37. get stuck


29. break away from       30. be aware of       31. after all       32. keep track of


26. previous      27. backgrounds       28. potential


21. disability      22. encouragement     23. patent        24. reject     25. ceremony

