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6.rare adj.1) 罕见的;1.This plant is rare in this region.  2.That bird is very rare in this country.

2) 煮得很嫩的  3.We had three courses:a soup, a rare steak  and vegetables, and fruit.


5. attend 1) 出席 the boy insisted on attending class. △I need to dress up a little to attend my friend’s wedding.  2) 管理,照管 They attended our affairs during our absence.  △attend to 1) 关注;注意  We’ll attend to that problem later.△I have an urgent matter to attend to.2) 照顾;帮助 You’d better attend to that thin dark girl; I think she is going to faint. △Are you being attended to, sir?  attend vt.  attendance n.  attendant adj.

△Your attendance at the meeting would be very welcome.. △ an attendant nurse


2.weep (+over/for) He lost control of his feelings and began to weep. △They wept for their failure.

 The girl wept over her sad fate.  Mother wept for joy.母亲高兴得流眼泪。 We all wept in silence for the deceased.默默为死者哀悼The girl wept herself to sleep.哭着入睡 3. furnish △ furnish sth. to/for sb.;  furnish sb./sth. with sth. 为……提供某事;供应

△.The company offered to furnish all the equipment for the major expedition.

△.The government furnished some poor villages with supplies food. 1.;配备家具 (+with)The room was furnished with the simplest necessities.△ How are you going to furnish the house? 2. 供给;提供 I will furnished all you need =I’ll furnish you with all you need. △furniture an article of furniture 一件家具 4.shabby  a shabby old hat 破旧的a shabby old man衣衫褴褛的 What a shabby trick, 卑鄙的,




假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr. Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:

* 感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助。

* 一本英语词典忘记带回。

* 词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵。

* 词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上。

* 邮资自己付。





* * * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * ** * * **

Dear Mr. Brown,









                               Yours,  Li Hua

