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12. He _____ to get to the bank at ten o’clock, but he was late.

   A. is intended  B. had intended  C. is intending  D. was intended


11. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ____ at he meeting by my boss.

    A. questioning  B. having questioned  C. questioned  D. to be questioned


10.  The telephone, ____, was the invention of Alexander Graham Bell.

    A. as is known by us   B. as do we know it 

    C. as we know   D. as we know that


9.  ----Go for an outing this Saturday, OK?

  ---- ____. I love getting close to nature.

   A. I couldn’t agree more   B. I’m afraid not  C. I believe not  D. I don’t think so


8.  A new Digital Center Building is being built _____ used to be a parking area.

   A. there  B. where there   C. where   D. where it


7.  I’m afraid there is no coffee, so we’ll just have to ____.

   A. keep on  B. go without  C. deal with   D. do with


6. ---Excuse me, may I use your bike?

  --- Sorry, _____.

   A. but it is under repair  B. and it is being repaired

   C. go ahead     D. you are welcome


5.  The ____ boy was last seen ____ near the East Lake.

A. missing; playing  B. missing; play  C. missed; played   D. missed; to play


4.  You can’t expect him to do homework as well ____ after children.

   A. as looking  B. to look  C, as look  D. as to look


3.  John was born in the countryside but he grew up in Beijing, _____.

    A. so was Mary  B. so it was with Mary  C. so Mary was  D. so did Mary

