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22. I know nothing about the young lady ____ she is from Beijing.

   A. except that  B. except  C. except for  D. besides


21. Generally speaking, ____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

   A. when taking  B. when taken  C. when to take  D. when to be taken


20. The prices are ____ fast these days. Nobody can get the prices ____.

   A. going down; to bring down   B. rising; to be bringing down

   C. raising; bring down      D. going up; brought down


19. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I _____ half of it.

   A. was missing  B. had missed  C. will miss  D.  missed


18. He was a talent pianist. ____, he won a high reputation in the world at the age of sixteen.

   A. Whether believe or not  B. Believing it or not 

C. To believe or not     D. Believe it or not


17. I was really anxious about you. You ___ home without a word.

   A. mustn’t leave  B. shouldn't have left  C. couldn’t have left  D. needn’t have left


16. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hang up ____ I could answer the phone.

   A. as   B. since  C. until  D. before


15. News reports say peace talks between the two countries _____ with no agreement reached.

   A. have broken down  B. have broken out  C.  have broken in  D. have broken up


14. Your window wants____; you’d better have it ____ this week.

   A. cleaning; do  B. to be clean;do  C. cleaning; done  D. being cleaned;done


13. Would you please give me ____ ten minutes to finish the paper?

   A. another  B. other  C. more  D. less

