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31.  The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort ______ he returned to his office.

A. until           B. while        C. since           D. the moment


30.  She was so angry that she rushed out into the rain ______ I could stop him.

A. until            B. before     C. when           D. unless


29.  Luckily, we brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way.

A. it                  B. that         C. which            D. what


28.  ______ is often the case, we have worked out the plan.

A. Which         B. When      C. What          D. As


27.  Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped.

A. what; when         B. that; when   C. what; which       D. which; that


26.  Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ______ a cure for AIDs will be found.

A. which                B. that         C. what            D. whether


25.  Had the boy worked harder, he ______ the exams.

A. must have got through           B. could get through

C. ought to get through             D. would have got through


24.  You ______ have any difficulty about passing drivinging test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn’t          B. shan’t       C. shouldn’t        D. may not


23.  John, look at the time. ______ you play the violin at such a late hour?

A. Must             B. Can          C. May         D. Need


22.  My dad has to take a bus to work tomorrow, because his car ______ at the garage.

A. will be repaired     B. is repaired     C. is being repaired        D. has been repaired

