
 0  312117  312125  312131  312135  312141  312143  312147  312153  312155  312161  312167  312171  312173  312177  312183  312185  312191  312195  312197  312201  312203  312207  312209  312211  312212  312213  312215  312216  312217  312219  312221  312225  312227  312231  312233  312237  312243  312245  312251  312255  312257  312261  312267  312273  312275  312281  312285  312287  312293  312297  312303  312311  447348 

30. _________ seems strange to us is _______ the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his teachers.

A. It, that    B. It, how C. What, that     D. What, how


29. Hello! I ________you ________ in Linfen. How long have you been here?

A. don't know, are B. haven't known, are  

C. hadn't known, were   D. didn’t know, were


28. Although the working mother is very busy, she still____ a lot of time to her children.

A. provides    B. offers     C. spends   D. devotes


27. With the help of the new equipment, our factory produced ________ VCD players in 2001 as the year before.

A. as many as twice B. twice more than C. as twice many   D. twice as many


26. It's quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause ________ heavy pressure on ________ whole society in the future.

A. a, /      B. / , /     C. a , the       D. the , a


25.  – Did he write the article for the newspaper?

-- He ________ not have finished it, for he was busy repairing his computer all the time?

A. must      B. should     C. might     D. could


24. I've worked with children before, so I know ______to do with my new job.

A. what      B. how    C. who    D. where


23.  – Can you give me the right answer?

-- Sorry, I ______ . Would you repeat that question?

A. hadn't listened B. haven't listened C. don't listen D. wasn't listening


22. I've decided to go to Hang Zhou instead of Dalian _________ my holiday.

A. to     B. on     C. for    D. in




21.  – Would you do me the favor to help repair my walkman?

-- ______________.

A. Yes, that's all right.   B. No trouble at all.  

C. My pleasure        D. With pleasure.

