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22. Preparations are being made for the Olympic Games      in Beijing in 2008.     

A. held           B. holding            C. to be held          D. to hold


第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. I want an assistant with     little knowledge of French and     experience of

office routine.

A. the ; a        B. the ; an           C. a ; the             D. a ; an 


When I first came to the USA, I made friends with a neighbor who used to live only two blocks away from my street. We used to visit each other and go out together sometimes. This friend taught me a lot about American  51 , but in some cases I had to learn the  52  way, because we didn’t have enough time together for me to learn all about American culture from him.

One day this same friend invited me to a party. It wasn’t a (n)  53  party, only some kind of informal get-together. Since it was  54  time, we had a cookout,  55  most of his American friends and relatives were known to me, but there were others I had never met before.

It was the most  56  party for me when I noticed that everybody was wearing jeans and simple T-shirts for the day,  57  I arrived in proper dress with my shoes and my hair all fixed for a fancy party. It was hard to explain my embarrassment(窘迫) to the other  58 . When one of them turned around and said, “What nice clothes! What’s the occasion?”I felt my  59  burning hot. I didn’t  60  at all. If she knew how  61  I already felt, she wouldn’t have said that to me.

Maybe she didn’t  62  to make me feel uncomfortable, but my reaction had to do with the way I already felt.

Many times I thought of going home and  63  but I knew they would  64 . It would be even  65  for me because I knew they would quickly think that I felt out of  66 . So I wanted to pretend that I was  67 ……

I have already realized their  68  are different from mine. They care less about formality(形式)  69  it is a special occasion, like a  70  or a very formal invitation.

51. A. art      B. culture     C. history      D. people

52. A. easy     B. simple      C. hard       D. different

53. A. real     B. pleasant     C. usual       D. evening

54. A. summer   B. dark       C. cold       D. autumn

55. A. which    B. when       C. where       D. as

56. A. exciting   B. surprising    C. embarrassing    D. enjoyable

57. A. as     B. while       C. when       D. and

58. A. guests    B. friends      C. neighbors     D. Americans

59. A. heart     B. body       C. face       D. hand

60. A. repeat    B. answer      C. laugh       D. say

61. A. nice     B. happy      C. bad       D. lucky

62. A. mean    B. expect      C. wish       D. prepare

63. A. changing   B. crying      C. sleeping      D. dancing

64. A. mind    B. notice      C. watch       D. care

65. A. worse    B. luckier       C. better      D. easier

66. A. order     B. breath       C. place       D. mind

67. A. OK     B. sad        C. angry      D. well

68. A. lives     B. customs      C. parties     D. beliefs

69. A. unless    B. if        C. as long as    D. since

70. A. party     B. picnic      C. meeting     D. wedding


50. He had his eyes hurt while playing, _______________ he failed to come to my birthday party.

A. as a result of it         B. as a consequence of it  

C. as a consequence of which    D. as a result of that


49.---People turn pale at the word Aids.

  ----But I’m sure, at some time in ­­________ future , there will be ________ cure for it.

   A. the; \   B.\; the   C. \; \   D. the; a

