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I am writing to thank you for your great hospitality.

I have a good flight home and my parents and sisters                 76.       

were waiting for the airport to meet me. There was so               77.       

many news to tell them that we stayed up talking until               78.       

long after a midnight. They were interested to see my                79.       

photograph, especially the one of you and your family.                  80.       

I learned a lot of English while staying with you.                      81.       

I am planning to write you regularly like a way of                  82.       

practising. It would be real helpful if you could correct                  83.       

my mistakes. But I do hope you’ll visit us next year.                84.       

I’m sure we would always get very well with each other.             85.        

I am looking forward to your good news.                       


35. Few people know that fish have eyes and     appears to be a nose, and they can hear, too.

 A. that    B. which       C. what     D. it


34.      you may be right, I can’t altogether agree.

A. While        B. As               C. If               D. Since


33. Children, we have to     what we have now and it is for you to get better things in the future. 

A. make up for    B. run away with          C. do away with      D. put up with 

