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Amber room was a gift of friendship from the Russian people, which was made  1  almost seven thousand tons of amber during the time of Frederick WilliamI. Although it  2  as hard as stone, it easily melts when  3  and the design for the room was  4  the fancy style popular in those days. It  5  a team of the country’s best artist ten years to make it.

It was liked so much by two of the Russian kings  6  they both regarded it as their favorites  palace and  7  more details to its design. But unfortunately it was  8  by the Nazis during the Second World War and  9  for ever. No one ever knows what really happened  10  it.     


Not long ago there was a girl  11  Daisy. One day she went to see some animals by a  12  chair. First she arrived in Tebet and wanted to see the antelopes. But there was few left. An antelope told her that their  13  is being used to make sweaters and they were killed for the wool from under their  14  . In three years they might be  15  . Daisy felt sorry for that. Next she was in Zimbabwe. An elephant told Daisy the story about them and rhinos: they were becoming  16  . Farmers didn’t want to  17  them even though tourists loved to see them.. Afterwards the government decided to help. If the tour companies  18  for hunting, they must pay the farmers.  19  farmers no longer hunted them.. At last, the flying chair took Daisy to a thick rain forest. The animals there were protected well.

Daisy had learned a lot from the  20  .


Pausanias was an  21  Greece writer. He wanted to find out something about the 22  games more than 2000 years later, so he  23  a Chinese girl, Lili. From the talk with Lili, he knows that there are two sets of Games-the Summer and the Winters Olympics, both of  24  are held every four years. During the Games,  25  from all over the world are  26  as  27  to complete  28  each other for the honour of winning.  29  surprised Pausanias most was that women are not allowed to join in but play very important  30  in it. He has also learned that Games are not held only in Greece but among many other countries who apply for it, which is just as a completion to host as to win an Olympic medal. No one for money.   


10.She said______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______.(非洲象在那里受到很好的保护)    


9.The girl felt afraid when_______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______.(被一个陌生人跟踪时)


8.What should you do_______ _______ ________ ________ ________ ________.(当你的朋友正受到攻击时)


7.The old Tom has been_______ _______ ________ ________ _______.(习惯于早起)


6.He is willing _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________.(听从别人的劝告)


5.I love______ _______ ________(与别人交流)by the Internet.


4.The school_______ ________ ________ ________ ________.(已停课放假了)


3._______ ________ _________(造三个句子)using the following phrases.


2.Many foreigners like_______ _______ _______(中国的民间艺术)very much.

