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26.I think John will ______ a good monitor , so I’d like to vote for him .

    A.turn          B.be sure        C.elect         D.make


25.--- What happened to you the other day ?

 ---- I ____________ to Beijing , but I missed my flight .

    A.would fly      B.was flying      C.had flown       D.flew


24.This year we will ____ a film star to perform at the New Year’s Concert .

    A.invite          B.introduce       C.hope           D.look forward


23.A new history museum ________ in this city . They hope to complete it next month .

    A.will built       B.is building       C.has been built  D.is being built


22.--- Are you pleased with the teacher’s explanation ?

----Not at all . It couldn’t have been ____________ .

    A. worse        B.so bad         C. better       D.the worst


第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.A festival is _______ when we celebrate the culture and history .

  A.X            B.something      C.time          D.a time


50. Tell me how you work out the answer, ______ you?

  A. can  B. will   C. don’t   D. shan’t   (B)


49. We _______ to work on foot, but now we ______ by bike.

  A. usually go; have gone     B. used to go; go

  C. was used to going; going    C. used to going; have been going  (B)

