
 0  313289  313297  313303  313307  313313  313315  313319  313325  313327  313333  313339  313343  313345  313349  313355  313357  313363  313367  313369  313373  313375  313379  313381  313383  313384  313385  313387  313388  313389  313391  313393  313397  313399  313403  313405  313409  313415  313417  313423  313427  313429  313433  313439  313445  313447  313453  313457  313459  313465  313469  313475  313483  447348 

5. -Why do you make me do so ?

  -I am sorry that you     do such a thing .

A. would      B. can     C. should     D. may


4. Although a great deal of material has been printed , I’m afraid there aren’t enough copies for each listener to have     .

A. it        B. those     C. them      D. one


3. It being Sunday , rather than     at home , I preferred     .

A. stay ; to travel          B. to stay ; to travel      C. stay ; travel        D. to stay ; traveling


2. I guess it must have snowed last night ,     ?

A. don’t I          B. didn’t it           C. mustn’t it          D. hasn’t it




例:Stand over there     you’ll be able to see it better .

A. or    B. and    C. but    D. while


1. -How would you like your money ?

   -     .

A. Very much        B. Not at all      C. 50 American dollars  D. In tens , please


第二节       书面表达(满分25分)



注意:1。 词数 100 左右

    2. 为使行文连贯可适当增加细节。


第一节  短文改错  ( 共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

As is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health. 76._____

Smoking can leads to heart disease, cancer and other problems and 2.5million people                          77._____

die from smoking each year. Still, many people find difficult    78._____

to stop smoking. One reason is because smoking usually     79.______

becomes a habit, it is not easy to be given up. Another reason is   80._____

the effect of nicotine, which contained in tobacco. Measures have been taken 81._____

to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many    82._____

cities, smoking is forbidden in the public places. The danger of   83._____

smoking is warned everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to  84._____

publish advertisements for cigarettes.

“World No Tobacco Day ”had been set against smoking.      85_____

