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28. I set off at five for the station. It was too early ____ anyone in the street.

     A. for there to be    B. for there wasn’t                  C. to be       D. having


27. It’s easy to do the repair. ____ you need is a hammer and some nails.

     A. Something     B. All           C. Both           D. Everything


26.Our class is made up of 68 students,_______ are girls.

     A. of which two-fifths               B. of whom two –fifths

     C. two-fifth of which                D. two-fifth of whom


25.In area it is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska),____,however, has____.

   A. which, more than fourteen times as many people  

   B. which, fourteen times more than many people 

   C. what, as fourteen times as many people    

   D. where, more than fourteen times as many people


24. Faced with a bill for $ 10,000,________.

   A. John has taken an extra job      B. the boss has given john an extra job

   C. an extra job has been taken      D. an extra job has been given to John  


23.The first edition was published in1955 and _____ a best-seller ever since.

    A. had been        B. will be        C. would be       D has been


22. Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better _________ the school in case it starts to rain.

 A. run out     B. bring up     C. refer to     D. head for


第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. I love ____ history because it gives me ____ knowledge of past events.

A. the; a         B a; a            C /; a            D. /; /  

