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9. To be on the safe side, we should fill up the tank now , because we __ run out of gas on the way.

  A. could    B. might    C. would     D. should


8.--You didn't phone Bill?

  -- ________ Bill?

  A. Must I phone  B. Should I phone  C. Shall I phone  D. Should I have phoned


7. It was playing computer games that cost the boy plenty of time that he __ doing his lessons.

  A. might have spent        B. must have spent     

C. ought to have spent        D. could have spent


6. Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winter the winds __ be pretty cold.

  A. must     B. ought to     C. can     D. need


5. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you __ it.

  A. mustn't have done           B. wouldn't have done

  C. mightn’t have done           D. didn't have to do


4. In those days, the old woman __ sit at the gate for hours, waiting for her son to return from the front.

  A. could     B. should     C. might    D. would


3.-- _______ I return the dictionary within three days?

  --No, you __. You __ it for five days.

  A. May; needn't; can borrow      B. Can ;mustn't ;would have

  C. Must; don' t have to; can keep     D. Shall ; can' t; should read


2. I've decided to take the job and I __ change my mind.

  A. mustn't    B. can' t      C. won' t      D. may not


1. If you listen to me, you ___ have some candies, dear.

  A. shall     B. may      C. will      D. must



•      内容要点是否齐全是高考评分时确定一篇书面表达档次的重要标准.通过认真审题,仔细读图,确定该文要点如下:

•     1)开头(表达能与笔友见面的兴奋之情);

•     2)公寓的面积(25平方米)及房间的分布(包括卧室、浴室和厨房);

•     3)卧室摆设情况(包括床、沙发、书桌和椅子等);

•     4)月租(500元);

•     5)公寓的位置以及与建新华文学校的位置关系(芳草街,距学校一站地);

•     6)结尾(询问对方对公寓的看法,并希望得到答复).

•     3.语言要简练、得体

•      一般来说,高考对书面表达的词数都有明确具体的要求,本文要求词数在100左右.内容要合乎英语习惯.如写本文开头时,应符合英文书信的要求.试比较:

•      原句:I'm so glad to have received your letter. In your letter you said you would come to China to study Chinese in September. I know that you wanted to rent a flat and I've found one for you. I wonder whether you would like it.(45个词)

•      修正:I'm very glad to learn that you're coming in September. I've found a flat for you.(16个词)

•      分析:英文书信讲究开门见山,直截了当.原句虽没有语言错误,但显得很啰嗦.如果用这样的冗言赘句来表达,很难在规定的字数范围内将短文的全部要点写完;修正句为高考所提供范文的开场语,仅仅16字,简洁、明了且合乎英文书信习惯.

•     4.表达方式要灵活多样

•      内容要点的表达要灵活,在组织语言材料及选择句式上可以采用不同的方式,切忌用词重复,句式单一.

•      内容要点、词汇应用和语法结构的数量和准确性是高考评分时的主要"采分点".因此,在有把握的情况下,使用一些高级词汇和较为复杂的句式,无疑会增强表达效果.试比较在表达公寓的位置(要点4)时,不同的表达法产生的不同表达效果:

•     原句:The flat is in a tall building on Fangcao Street. It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No. 11 will take you straight to the school. It's only one stop away.(四个短句)

•     修正:The flat is on the third floor of a tall building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School, and Bus No. 11 will take you straight to the school. In fact, it's only one stop away.

•     分析:从语法以及用词上看,原句无可挑剔,但句子长度大体相同,而且都是短句,读起来平淡无味.修正句分别使用了所学的定语从句及并列句将简单句合并,而结尾过渡词语In fact的妙用,可谓点睛之笔.与前文相比,读起来感觉大不相同了.

•     5.过渡要自然、连贯

