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3.at the end of...

 at the end of...意思是“在……之末”,其反义词组是at

 the beginning of...“在……之初”,“在……开始”。注意of都不可以省略。例如:

 He will leave for New York on business at the end of this month,and will be back at the beginning of next month.

 例1 单项填空

 Those oranges taste .

 A. good B. well

 C. to be good D. to be well

 [解析] 答案为A。


 例2 单项填空

 I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ?

 A. turn it on B. turn it down

 C. turn it up D. turn it off

 [解析] 答案为C。


 例3 单项填空

 He put the books in the box the shelf.

 A. instead B. instead of

 C. instead of on D. instead on

 [解析] 答案为C。

 本题考查instead及instead of的用法。题干中的in the box与on the shelf对应。所以该选C。


2.at the back of...

 at the back(of...)意为“在(……内部)后面”,其反义词组

 为in the front of...“在(……内部)前面”。例如:

 The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom,

 while the foreign guests are sitting at the back(of the classroom).

 注意:和它们对应的一组词是in front of...“在……(外部)的前面”和behind...“在……(外部)后面”。例如:

 There s a beautiful garden behind the house.

 Some children are playing on the playground in front of the classroom.



 let...out意为“让……出去”,其反义词组为let...in,这里的out和in都用作副词。注意其对应词组是:let...out of...,let...into...,后一组词后面均可接表示地点的名词,表示“从……出来”和“进入……”。例如:

 Open the window and let the smoke out.

 It s dangerous to let the tiger out of its cage.


8. You must do everything as I do.


 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。


 As he was a child,he loved reading.

 As time passed,I nearly forgot the thing.随着时间的流逝,我几乎忘了这件事。


 As he had no car,he couldn t get there early.

 Lesson 8


7.none of...

 none of...意为“(在三个或三个以上的人或事中)没有一个”,后面接名词或代词。如果用于句首,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。注意none通常不单独用。例如:

 None of us is/are interested in history.我们中没有一人对历史感兴趣。

 I like none of the books.这些书我一本都不喜欢。

 注意none和neither的区别。neither (of...)意思是“(两者中)没有一个或都不”,后面可接名词或代词,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。例如:

 Neither of my parents was at home.我父母都不在家。

 I want neither of the two books.这两本书我都不想要。


6.instead of

 instead of意为“代替……,……而不……”,后接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语。例如:

 I ll go to Wuhan instead of her.

 The baby was smiling at me instead of crying.这孩子没有哭,反而冲我笑了。

 He went there on foot instead of by bus.他是步行去那儿的,而不是乘车。

 注意instead of...和instead的区别。

 instead副词,一般用于句末,后面不再跟其他词,用于否定前面提到的事情;instead of...短语介词,用于否定of后面的宾语。例如:

 Mr Zhang was ill yesterday,so Miss Wei took his class instead.(=Miss Wei took the class instead of Mr Zhang,beˉcause he was ill yesterday.)张老师生病了,所以魏老师代他上课。

 We didn t walk there.Instead,we took a taxi.(=We took taxi there instead of walking)我们没有步行,而是坐出租车去那儿的。


5.taste terrible


 The mixture smells terrible.

 The music sounds wonderful.

 The sofa feels soft.


 It s getting colder and colder.

 In autumn,the leaves turn yellow.


4.mix v.

 mix,混合,搅拌 (物理过程)。后面常接介词with。例如:

 Oil and water don t mix.

 (=Oil doesn t mix with water.)

 You’d better mix the study with pleasure.

 mix up意为“混淆,搞混”。例如:

 I m afraid I have mixed your names up.

 If you mix up those newspapers,we won’t find the one we need quickly.如果你把这些报纸混在一起,我们就不能很快找到我们需要的那张。


 This glass of drink is the mixture of three kinds of fruit juice.


3.be filled with...

 fill,动词,意思是“填满,装满”,后面常接介词with,表示“用……装满/填满……”,也可以用于被动语态中,即be filled with...“被装满/填满……”。注意和be full of的区别。

 full用作形容词,表示所修饰词的状态,be full of...意思是 “装满了……”。例如:

 She was filled with happiness when she heard the news.

 The bag is full of sand.


2.make one s classes lively and interesting 在make+sb. /sth. + 形容词 中,make意思为“使……,致使……”。其中的形容词用来修饰sb./sth.的性质或所处的状态。例如:

 We are trying to make our country stronger.

 The song made him popular with the students.

 make后面还可以接省略to的动词不定式,即make sb.do sth.,“让某人做某事”。注意:此结构变为被动语态时,不定式结构要带to。例如:

 The teacher made her copy the whole text.

 (=She was made to copy the whole text.)

