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29. _______ at the news that I was completely at a loss what to say to comfort her .

A. So sad she looked      B. So sad did she look

C. So sadly she looked      D. So sadly did she look


28. Luckily the watch which was sent to her by her husband for their wedding anniversary ________ to the lost property office .

A. was turned over   B. was turned out   C. was handed over   D. was handed out


27. ____     ___ her head high ,the challenger walked onto the platform to attend the debate ______then .

A. Holding ;being held       B. Held ; holding

C. Having held ; held       D. Holding ;held


26. I’ve learned _______, no matter what happened and how bad _______ seems today ,life goes on and it will be better tomorrow .

A. it ;that   B. that ;that   C. it ;it   D. that ;it


25. ----- It was such a pressing task that he should have joined us in .

  ------ ________, I think . Anyhow ,we’ve made it .

A. He needn’t   B. He needn’t have to   C. He needn’t have   D. He didn’t need to


24. Modern scientific advance has _________ the possibility of a higher standard of life for most of our people .

A. turned up   B. done up   C. opened up   D. rounded up


23. Judging from the expression Tom _________ ,Mother had a good _________ of his examination result .

A. had ;report    B. wore ;idea   C. wore ;news   D. having ;thought


22. ________ the situation in the Middle East will be better is just ________ worries the world .

A. When ;that   B. If ;what   C. Whether ;that   D. When ;what




21. Of all the subjects ,I like _______ physics best because it gives us a useful knowledge of things in _________ nature .

A. / ;the    B. the ; /    C. / ; the    D. the ;the


3. A few more minutes and I will finish my composition.

