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3.be filled with...

 fill,动词,意思是“填满,装满”,后面常接介词with,表示“用……装满/填满……”,也可以用于被动语态中,即be filled with...“被装满/填满……”。注意和be full of的区别。

 full用作形容词,表示所修饰词的状态,be full of...意思是 “装满了……”。例如:

 She was filled with happiness when she heard the news.

 The bag is full of sand.


2.make one s classes lively and interesting 在make+sb. /sth. + 形容词 中,make意思为“使……,致使……”。其中的形容词用来修饰sb./sth.的性质或所处的状态。例如:

 We are trying to make our country stronger.

 The song made him popular with the students.

 make后面还可以接省略to的动词不定式,即make sb.do sth.,“让某人做某事”。注意:此结构变为被动语态时,不定式结构要带to。例如:

 The teacher made her copy the whole text.

 (=She was made to copy the whole text.)


1.have a way of...

 way在这里意为“方式,方法”,后面常接介词of。a way of sth./doing sth.表示“(做)某事的方式或方法”。例如:

 He has a good way of working out the problem.

 I don t like his way of living.


 Can you tell me the way to the library?

 If you lose your way,ask a policeman.


6.Don t touch anything unless your teacher tells you to.



 I’ll be back tomorrow unless there s heavy snow.(= I ’ll be back tomorrow if there isn’ t heavy snow.)

 He’ll stay at home unless he is invited to the party.

 2)...unless your teacher tells you to 中 to是不定式符号,后面省略了与主句相同的动词touch,以避免重复,但 to 不能省略。例如:

 -Would you like to go to his birthday party?

 -I d love to(go).

 My parents wish me to study medicine in the future, but

 I don t want to.我的父母希望我将来学医,但我不想。

 Lessons 6 & 7


5.Once you are in here, listen to your teacher.一旦你们进到这里,就要听老师的。

 once这里用作连词,相当于 from the moment that, when,意思为“一旦,一……就”,引导时间状语从句。例如:

 Once she arrives,we can start.

 Once he understands why he must study, he will study hard.


 They went there once a week.


4.turn off

 turn off意为“切断(电源),关掉(自来水、电灯、收音机等)”,其反义词为turn on。注意这里不能用close或open。


 Please turn off the lights before you go out.

 As soon as he got home,he turned on TV.


3. first of all

 first of all意思为“首先,最重要的”,是first的强调形式,常用于句首。例如: First of all, I d like to say how glad I m here.

 I have a lot to say,but first of all,I want to thank you for your warm welcome.

 [注意]和at first的区别:

 at first意为“开始,起初”,相当于 at the beginning,通常指某事刚发生时的情况,但后来往往发生了变化。例如:

 At first he knew nobody here, but now he has made a lot of friends.


2. make sure...

 make sure表示“务必”,“确信”,“弄明白”,后面常接 of/about sth.或that引导的宾语从句。例如:

 Make sure(that) you will arrive there on time.你务必准时到这。

 I know there s a train this afternoon, but I must make sure of the time.我知道今天下午有列火车,但我必须弄清楚(发车)时间。

 注意:make sure后通常不接不定式。

 误:Make sure to shut the windows.

 正:Make sure that you shut the windows.

 正:Make sure that the windows are shut.


1.Have you been in this lab before?你们以前进过这个实验室吗?

 Have(Has) been to意为“到过什么地方”。例如:

 I have been to the Great Wall many times.我去过长城多次。

 A:Where have you been?你去哪里了?

 B:I ve been to the library.我去图书馆了。

 Have you ever been abroad before?你以前出过国吗?

 [注意] have(has) been to和 have(has) gone to的区别:have(has) gone to表示:已去某地,或已到达某地。例如:

 My husband has gone to London today.我丈夫今天去伦敦了。

 It s seven already. All the teachers have gone home.现在已经七点了,所有的老师都回家了。


3.practise v.

 practise,“练习,实践”,用作动词,后面常接名词或动名词,即 practise doing sth.。注意:不能说practise to do。例如:

 She has practised playing the piano for nearly two hours.

 例1 单项填空

 Do you know the difficulty he had the work?

 A. on finishing B. to finish

 C. finishing D. having finished

 [解析] 答案为C。

 本题考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.结构。该结构被 巧妙地设计在了一个定语从句中。所以该选C。

 例2 单项填空

 There are people dancing and singing in the park on May Day.

 A.a good many B. a good many of

 C. the large number of D. a great deal of

 [解析] 答案为A。

 本题考查几个表示“许多”的短语的区别。a good many 直接接名词,B项本身也对,但加of时后面应是确指的内容; C中的the该为a;D只能接不可数名词。

 例3 单项填空

 The new comers new customs and new habits.

 A. brought back B. brought up

 C. brought out D. brought in

 [解析] 答案为D。

 本题考查几个短语动词的区别。bring back意为“使人 回想起”;bring up为养育”; bring out为“引出,出版”;bring in为“引入,带来”,符合语境。所以选D ?

