
 0  313707  313715  313721  313725  313731  313733  313737  313743  313745  313751  313757  313761  313763  313767  313773  313775  313781  313785  313787  313791  313793  313797  313799  313801  313802  313803  313805  313806  313807  313809  313811  313815  313817  313821  313823  313827  313833  313835  313841  313845  313847  313851  313857  313863  313865  313871  313875  313877  313883  313887  313893  313901  447348 

28. It’s said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. There    be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay . 

    A. wouldn’t        B. mustn’t         C. shouldn’t        D. needn’t


27. ---You haven’t said a word about my new hair-style, Molly. Do you like it? 

   ---I’m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty. 

A. wasn’t saying    B. don’t say     C. won’t say       D. didn’t say


26. Facing the emergence, we were at a loss and none of us could ______ a solution to the problem.

A. come about      B. come out     C. come up against      D. come up with


25.There is a feeling in me _______ we will never know what a UFO is.

A. that            B. which            C. of which      D. what


24. The result of the football match, ______ the delight of us all, was 2 -1 ______ our favor.

A. in, to              B. at, in             C. in, in             D. to, in


23. China’s Women’s Volley Team is an excellent group. Now no team can _______it, whether in spirit or in strategy and tactics (战略技术)

  A. beat    B. compare    C. equal    D. win


22. This is a world-famous novel._______ can be enjoyed from it until you have finished reading it, though.

  A. Nothing   B. Much   C. Few    D. Something



21.Let us suppose that you are in   position of   parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing? 

A. a; a            B. a; the         C. the; a     D. the; the



二十一世纪中学生英文报举办故事大赛。请根据以下5幅图画提供的信息,以Li Hua’s Choice为题,写一篇短文。  

注意:1.词数100左右;2.参考词汇:招聘人才advertise for people of talent

   应聘seek for a position


Text 1

W: Can I help you?

M.. Yes, please. I'm looking for Size 12.

W: Here you are.

M: Thanks. Can I try it on'?

W .. Certainly.

Text 2

W.. We're going to have another English exam this Friday.

M: Exams? I hate exams. Is this exam easy to pass?

W: I hear it is far from being easy. Many of our classmates are working hard in order to pass it.

M: Wish us lucky.

Text 3

M:  You look worried this evening, dear. What's the trouble?

W:  I'm going through the telephone bill.  It's over 10 pounds. But last month is was under 7 pounds.

Text 4

M: I'm freezing to death. What's the weather usually like here in winter?

W: It's cold, but not very severe. The temperature seldom gets as high as minus 12 degrees Centigrade in winter.

Text 5

M: I'm sure she'll just turn up. I guess she's gone to visit some friends in another town.

W: Yes, that's possible, but we can't be sure. Something may have happened to her.  She might have had an accident.

Text 6

W: David, I can't get the top off this bottle of sauce. Could you open it for me please?

M: I'll try…I'm sorry, Mom. I can't. It's too tight.

W.. I'll ask your father then. Where is he?

M: I heard him going out a few minutes ago.

W: Where was he going?

M: I thought you asked him to pick up some clothes for you at the cleaner's.

W: Oh, that's right. I hope he took his umbrella. It looks as if it's going to rain.

M.. I imagine he did. But I didn't see him leaving, so I don't know.  Oops! It's started raining already! It's really coming down, isn't it?

W: There's been too much rain this summer.  Oh, here comes your father, and he hasn't got his umbrella.

M: Look at him running up the path. He's really getting soaked.

W: I'd better find some dry clothes for him.

M: What about this bottle?

W: Not now, David. We'll ask Dad after he changes.

Text 7

M: So you took a job after you graduated from high school?

W: That's right. I worked as a typist for two years before I went to the College of Art.

M: Why didn't you go to college right away?

W: I wanted to. But my father died just after I finished school. I had to help my family.

M: Oh, I see. That's too bad. How soon can you start if we offer you a job?

W: Well, if possible, I'd like to start next month.

M: That should be no problem. May I ask what your plans for marriage are?

W: I have no intention of getting married at the moment.

M: If you have any samples of your work with you, I'd like to see them.

W: Of course.

M: Hmmm... You've got talent all right. But if you want to become a commercial artist, you'll have to change your

   style. They're too hard to understand.

W: I'm willing to learn, sir.

M.- Good. Well, let me show you around. After that, we can discuss the details of the job.

Text 8

W: What do you plan to do after you graduate, Derek?

M: I'm not sure yet. My father suggested getting a job in a bank. But I don't think I'd enjoy counting other people's money.

W: But you wouldn't mind counting your own.

M: No. The trouble is I haven't got any to count.

W: Have you considered going to a graduate school?

M: Yes. I'd rather do that than work in a bank. I prefer studying to office work. But my father said he couldn't afford to pay the fees.

W: So you've agreed to get a job then?

M: Not yet. One of my professors has promised to help me.

W.. What did he say he would do?

M: He said he would try to find me a teaching assistantship. He told me the salary would be enough to pay my fees and living expenses.

Text 9

W: Hi, Tony! It's been a long time!

M: Jessica! Yes, it must be over six months! The last time we met was at Graham's wedding, wasn't it?

W:  Graham's wedding? Yes,  it must have been then. Anyway, it's good to see you!  How're you getting along?

M..  Not too bad.  And you? You're getting fat.  Your husband must be feeding you too much!

W: (laughing) Yes, Denis is a good cook. I guess I should reduce a little, though. The trouble is, I'm not getting any exercise. No time.

M: Still working at that company, then? You should have taken that job at our place when they offered it to you. It's strictly a five--day week and the weekends are all your own.

W: I guess I should have. Denis often says I shouldn't do so much overtime. I hardly ever see the children any more.

M: Denis's right. You ought to spend more time with the family. Think it over, Jessica. I could ask the boss. The offer might still be open.

Text 10

    I like football and I hope I will be allowed to play football again.

   I like football so much, which, I think, is all I can do. I can't live without football. When I am watching a football match, I am excited. When I am playing football, I am more excited. Football, so to speak, can make me happy at any time.

   I like football so much that I may realize my dream of becoming a famous footballer in the future. I have a two-hour training every day as I always believe "Where there is a will, there is a way." So I can't give up playing football.

   I like football so much, which can keep me healthy. I enjoy every minute when I'm playing football. I think this kind of sport is my only choice.  Anyhow, I have done something for the school team, haven't I?

    But I know being crazy about football is more or less harmful to my studies. Now I promise that I will spend more time on all the subjects. I am sure I will make progress after a period of time. Please don't let me be off the team, OK?

1. B   2. A   3. B   4. A   5. B   6. B

7. C   8. A   9. B   l0. C  ll. B  12. C

13. A  14. C  15. B   16. C  17. B  18. A

19. C  20. A  21.C  22. D  23. B  24. D

25. A  26. C  27. B  28. C  29. D  30. B

31. A  32. C  33. C  34. D  35. A  36. A

37. C  38. B  39. D  40. B  41. A  42. D

43. B  44. C  45. B  46. A  47. D  48. B

49. C  50. A  51. D  52. A  53. B  54. C

55. A  56. C  57. C  58. A  59. C  60. A

61. C  62. B  63. D  64. C  65. A  66. C

67. B  68. D  69. D  70. C  71.D  72. A

73. B  74. C  75. C


76.在has后加been   77. 正确

78.late改为later   79.condition改为conditions

80.去掉down   61.去掉late后的the



84.in改为On   85.carry改为carrying

Writing version:

              Li Hua's Choice

    Li Hua is a young man, my neighbor. Up to now he hasn't found a job yet. Maybe you wonder why.

    He was once advised to learn to use computer, but he thought it was difficult.  When he saw others learning English, he shook his bead, saying it was too hard to remember the words.  As to science and technology in his mind, it was too difficult to understand. What is he fond of 7

He enjoys watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on. It's hard for him to give up all these.

   Not long ago, he was eager to seek for a job. When he knew that people of talent are greatly needed,  such as computer engineers, English interpreters and technicians, he sighed and regretted the time he wasted.


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






In England, it has said, one can experience four seasons in a      76.      

single day! Day may break as a nice spring morning, but an         77.      

hour or so late, black clouds may appear from nowhere and         78.      

the rain may be pouring down. At midday, condition may really         79.      

reduce the temperature down by about eight degrees or more.         80.      

And then in the late afternoon the sky will clear up, the sun will         81.      

begin to shine, an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer.

   This uncertainty about the weather has made English person        82.      

very carefully. A foreigner may laugh when he sees an Englishman     83.      

leaving home in a beautiful sunny morning, wearing a raincoat      84.      

or carry an umbrella, but he may as well regret his laughter later          85.      

in the day!

