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1.    Why should you stress achievements at a job interview? __________

A.    To show your enthusiasm.

B.     To let the interviewer know your good points.

C.     To show off

D.    The passage does not tell us..


4.    From the passage we can conclude that “sleepstudy” is ________.

A.   easy and comfortable

B.    easy and efficient

C.    completely achieved during sleeping

D.   not so easy and comfortable as the title suggests

Passage  48  Some “DOS” in an interview

Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable.

If presented with an application, do fill it out neatly and completely. Don’t rely on your application or resume to do the selling for you. Interviewers will want you to speak for yourself.

Do greet the interviewer by last name if you are sure of the pronunciation. If not, ask the employer to repeat it. Give the appearance of energy as you walk. Smile! Shake hands firmly. Be genuinely glad to meet the interviewer.

Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright, look alert and interested at all times. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator.

Do look a prospective employer in the eye while speaking.

Do follow the interviewer’s leads, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and the duties to you early in the interview so that you can apply your background, skills and accomplishments to the position.

Do make sure that your good points come across to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner. Stress achievements. For example: sales records, processes developed, savings achieved, systems installed, etc.

Do always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get job you are discussing. Never close the door on opportunity.

Do show enthusiasm. If you are interested in the opportunity, enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered. If you are not interested, your responsiveness will still demonstrate your professionalism.


3.    At 2 a.m, _________

A.   students study vocabulary.

B.    Making students to sleep.

C.    A sharp noise was sent to wake the sleeping student up tp review the lesson.

D.   Students sleep ended


2.    The underlined word “lullaby” means ________.

A.   jazz

B.    cradlesong

C.    rock music

D.   brass band


1.    During sleep the average person can learn _______as much during the day.

A.   four times

B.    five times

C.    two or three times

D.   six times


3.    What was so special about this boat race? A. It was great fun. B. It was more exciting than ever. C. It was very popular. D. It was moving.

Passage  47  Learning English in the sleep

If you ask some people, “How did you learn English so well?” You may get a surprising answer, “In my sleep!”

These are people who have taken part in one of the recent experiments to test “Learn-While-Sleep” methods, which are now being tried in several countries, and with several subjects, of which English is only one.

Specialists say that this “sleepstudy” method speeds language learning greatly. They say the average person can learn two or three times as much during sleep as in the same period during the day, and does not affect his rest in any way. A word of warning, however, sleep teaching will only strengthen in your mind what you have studied already while you are awake.

In an experiment, lessons were broadcast over the radio. Each lesson lasted twelve hours from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. The first three hours of English grammar and vocabulary were given with the student awake. At 11 p.m. a lullaby was broadcast to send the student to sleep and for the next three hours the radio whispered the lesson again into his sleeping ears. At 2 a.m. a sharp noise was sent over the radio to wake the sleeping student up for a few minutes to review the lesson. The soft songs sent him back to rest again while the radio went on. At 5 a.m. his sleep ended and he had to go through the lesson again for three hours before breakfast.


2.   We can see Cambridge coach Robin Williams was ______. A. sad. B. surprised C. regretful D. displeased


4.  The headline of the story ______. A. cleverly includes the title of the film B. makes one want to find out what this elephant is C. suggests that this award-winning film has caught people's attention D. does all the above

Passage 46  Brothers compete in boat race

Oxford and Cambridge. These two old, world-famous universities have been competing against each other in many different fields for hundreds of years. And sometimes the gap is so narrow that it measures just 30cm.    How can this be? Well, it's the time-honoured competition between the two universities' boat clubs. This year, the 149th boat race took place on the River Thames (泰晤士河) in London on April 6.    The rowers of Cambridge were stronger. But Oxford had the better rowing skills. They were neck and neck (并驾齐驱) throughout.    When both sped past the finishing line, almost at the same time, no one was sure who had won the race. The judges had to replay the finish on video to decide the champion.    Cambridge lost and coach Robin Williams described it as "a blow to the heart".    The victory was Oxford's 71st in the history of the event and a repeated success from last year. But, Cambridge still leads the series with 77 victories. One race finished in a draw (平局).    As if this close finish wasn't enough excitement, it also turned out to be the first time two sets of brothers rowed against each other.    Oxford's David Livingston was up against his brother James and Oxford's Matt Smith rowed against his brother Ben.    Both Livingstons were determined to win and even tried to distance each other before the race. It was a difficult time for both of them, but especially for James, since it was his last chance to take part in the boat race. "It was the most agonizing (痛苦的) gap. I will always be thinking, if only I pushed a little bit harder, a little bit sooner."    The personal competition between these two sets of brothers reminded people of 1829. This was when the yearly tradition was started by two friends who studied at Cambridge and Oxford.    On March 12 of that year, Cambridge sent a challenge (挑战书) to Oxford and thus the "fight" continued to the present day.    Today the race attracts thousands of onlookers and is broadcast all over the world. It also inspired China's two most famous universities, Beida and Tsinghua to start a similar boat race in 1999. 1.   What does the word "time-honoured" in the second paragraph mean?    A. Everlasting.    B. Existing for a long time.    C. Interesting.    D. Closest in time.


3.  The film doesn't tell why the school shootings happen ______. A. because the mental problems of the high school students are hard to present B. but there are some hints of the reasons C. because life itself is the maker of problems D. because this leaves much food for thought so that the audience can come up with their own reasons


2. The lines of the film were ______. A. created by student actors B. given by the director C. carefully designed by professional people D. thought out while acting

