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27. The final _____ of the party will take place on Monday.

   A. action    B. performance   C. view     D. sight


26. Jane didn't follow our advice that she ________ more attention to her pronunciation.

   A. be paid    B. must pay    C. pay     D. would pay


25. I don't think she'll be upset, but I'll see her in case _________.

   A. she'll be    B. she is   C. she does     D. she has been


24. Edison's last illness began in June 1993, and he ________ at the age of 84 on October 8 of that year.

   A. passed away   B. passed by   C. passed on    D. passed off


23. Is this the museum ________ you visited the modern equipment last week?

   A. where     B. that    C. which     D. the one


22. --This suit is perfect. Miss, how much does it cost?

  --I'm sorry, ______ I don't work here.

   A. so    B. and   C. but     D. yet




21. Benjiamin contributed a great deal to American art: ________.

   A. painting, teaching, and lecturing     B. painting, as a teaching and lecturer

   C. painting, teaching, and as a lecturer   D. painting, a teacher, and a lecturer


 A farmer goes to the nest of his goose and find       76. __________  there an egg all yellow and bright. When he takes it     77. __________  up, it is heavy and he is going to throw it about,      78. __________  because he thinks it a trick to him. But he takes it home       79. __________  at last,and soon finds that it is an egg of golden.     80. __________  Every morning same thing happens, and he soon            81. __________  becomes rich because he sells his eggs. As he grew          82. __________  rich he grows greedy;and thinks to get all at once all the    83. __________  gold in the geese body. So he kills it and opens it only    84. __________  to find everything inside.                 85. __________

第二节:书面表达(满分25分)  书面表达(15分)  下面是一中学班级就生活在城市或乡村问题进行了辩论。下面是辩论记录,请确定你的观点,参照该记录写一篇题为I prefer to live in the city / the countryside的议论文。

 Where do you prefer to live, in the big city or in the quiet countryside?    答案与难点解析:  21-25 CBCCD  26-30 AAADB  31-35 ACBCB  36-40 CDABB  41-45 BABAD  46-50 CCABD  51-55 ADCCC  56-60 BACCC  61-65 ACBAB  66-70 CCDDB  71-75 CDCBD  76. find - finds  77. √      78. about - away 79. to - on  80. golden - gold 81. same - the same   82. grew - grows   83. all at - at  84. geese - goose 85. everything - nothing  Possible version:  书面表达  I prefer to live in the city  I was brought up in the city. And I love to live in the city. There are so many things to do. We can see movies with friends, go to gyms after work, visit museums in weekends. I love to see people around, but the country is too quiet. There's no night life in the countryside. And there are much fewer TV channels, so it must be so boring living in the countryside. Meanwhile, there are no jobs in countryside and we can make no money there. Frankly speaking, city life is much more colorful and meaningful than country life.  答案解析:  21.选c。第一个空填the是特指那部电话,第二个空不填,by letter固定搭配,用通信的方式。  22.选b。句意是“…… 多年前人们想不到电视在将来会发挥的作用”, 所以选择过去将来时。  24.选c。yes在这里的意思是“什么事?” 或“怎么了?” pardon用语请求别人重复刚才说过的话。  25.选d。本句是强调句中套了一个which引导的定语从句。  26.选a。第一个little是“小”的意思,所以用such修饰,第二个little是“少”的意思,英语中,强调   “多”或“少”时,用so修饰,例如:so many,so few,so little,so much等。  27.选a。不定式在这里表示目的。  28.选a。cannot do too much表示“怎么做都不过分” 的意思,这里强调写作的重要性。  29.选d。现在分词表示与主句动作同时进行,且否定在前。句意是“还没做好准备,我们决定把聚会推迟到   下周。”  30.选b。句意“虽然惩罚不合理,可他还是毫无怨言的接受了。”  32.选c。用一般过去时表示过去习惯性动作。  33.选b。when it comes to 表示“当谈到… 领域/方面时”。  35.选b。call for号召。  36.选c。insist on固定搭配,表示坚持要做。  37.选d。浇花用water the followers,irrigate是灌溉。  38.选a。表示单独一人干。B项是“亲自”,c项是“自行”。  39.选b。由上下文判断,此处意为“他没成功”。  40.选b。a项意思为“有一次”,b项意思为“在最后关头”,c,d项意思为“在那时”。  41.选b。由上下文判断应为“幸运的是”。  43.选b。b项“按时”赶到,c项“及时”。  44.选a。checked此处意为查询,即查明航班号和对应登机门号。  45.选d。call有叫到的意思。  46.选c。make an announcement固定搭配,意思是“宣布”。  48. 选a。由下文知道该飞机还未到机场,用过去完成时。  51.选a。文中最后一段中有提示“…we reported back to the airport…”  52.选d。由上下文意思判断,应住在机场附近,因为受飞机起飞和降落的噪音影响。  54.选c。while后接一段时间,when后接时间点。  56.选b。由第一段得出。  57.选a。由第二段第五行“The tribesmen … known as skilled horsemen and fierce warriors.”   得出。  59.选c。由文章第一句话得出。  61.选a。该句意思是“英语诗歌的教学应得到比现在在语言和文学教学中更多的重视。”  62.选c。make room“为… 腾地方”。  63.选b。由文章第一段得出。  64.选a。由文章第二段中 “… and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighbourhood outside   New York.”得出。  65.选b。由上下文得出。  66.选c。由文章最后一段得出。  67.选c。文中出现的日期只有August 26, 27且是周末。  68.选d。文中出现三个长度,相加得之。  69.选d。由上下文判断。  70.选b。由文中“Free for spectators.”得出。  71.选c。只有Brazilian footballers中有下午活动。  72.选d。a项错在south Africa,b项论述与第二段不符,c项叙述与第三段最后矛盾。  75.选d。由文章结尾得出。

