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6. 一般过去时和过去进行时


 * I wrote a letter yesterday. (信写完了)

* I was writing a letter yesterday. (一直在写信,但不一定写完了)

* I was writing a letter when he came in. (他进来时,我正在写)


*He ______ a book about China last year, but I don’t know if he ______ it.

wrote; has finished    B. was writing; has finished

C. was writing; had finished  D. wrote; will finish

正确选项为B. 从I don’t know if he has finished it. 推断,他去年正在写。

* Tom ­________ into the house when no one ___________.

  A. slipped; was noticing     B. had slipped; noticed

  C. slipped; had noticed      D. was slipping; noticed

  正确选项为A. slip和notice 为同时发生的动作,因此B、C为错误选项,slipped指过去有结果的动作(他溜进去了),when no one was noticing 指他溜进去的一刹那发生的情况(没有人注意)。

* As she ________ the newspaper, Granny _________ asleep.

  A. read; was falling     B. was reading; fell 

was reading; was falling  D. read; fell


* The last time I _________ Jane she __________ cotton in the fields.

  A. had seen; was picking    B. saw; picked 

C. had seen; picked      D. saw; was picking



5. --- Hey, look where you are going!

  --- Oh, I’m terribly sorry. _______.

   A. I’m not noticing.  B. I wasn’t noticing.

   C. I haven’t noticed.  D. I don’t notice.

   E. I didn’t notice.   F. I won’t notice.

 (正确选项B, 对话的后者显然是在解释刚才不小心冒犯对方时正在做的事情.)


4. The students ____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she____in the office.

   A. were working; had left   B. worked; left

   C. had worked; left     D. were working; would leave

  (正确选项A, 句中went 是说话人给定的时间, work 和leave发生的时间都要看它们与went 的时间关系, work 与went动作同时发生, 强调正在做,用过去进行时; leave 在went之前发生, 应用过去完成时.)


3. At that time he _____ in the library.

   A. worked  B. had worked  C. was working  D. would work

 (正确选项C, was working 指 at that time 正在发生的行为.)


2.  --- When shall we leave?

   --- As soon as I ______ what I _______.

   A. will finish; do    B. have finished, am doing

   C. finish, will do    D. finish, do

 (正确选项B, as soon as 从句前省略了主句, 时间状语从句中动词强调将来的结果用现在完成时; what I am dong 指目前正在做的事.)


1. I don’t really work here. I ____ until the new secretary _______.

   A. just help out; comes   B. have just helped out; will come

   C. am just helping out; comes   D. will just help out; has come

 (正确选项 C, 指目前一段时间正在发生的动作, until 引导的是时间状语从句,动词需用一般现在时.)


5. 现在进行时和过去进行时

基本概念: 指目前(一点或一段时间) / 过去(一点或一段时间)正在发生的动作.



2. B  ( 非强调结果,A错;不是指目前一般的情况,D错;是指从过去延续到现在的情况,故B对。)


2.  --- Have you had any letters from him?

  --- No, I haven’t, but my wife _______ him regularly .

  A. has heard from  B. has been hearing from 

  C. had heard from  D. hears

Key: 1. C (强调动作从过去到现在的延续,而非动作的结果)


1. --- Hi, Tracy, you look tired.  “

--- I am tired. I _______ the living room all day.

  A. painted   B. had painted   C. have been painting   D. have painted

