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90. certain---certainly  



84. After---In 85. cancel “the”  86. correct  87. wonderfully

---wonderful  88. wished---wish  89. full---fuller 


81. cancel “was” or add “which”  82. family ^ are  83. how---that  


75. haven’t---hadn’t  76. correct  77. cancel “for” 78. began ^ to/leaving  79. surprise-surprised  80.but-and



71. trying ^ on  72. him---himself  73. them---it  74.On---At 


69. correct  70. but---and 



65. we---they  66. interested ^ in  67. With---In  68. main---mainly


61. is ^ to  62.type---types  63. asking---asked  64. and---to 


60. Chicago is on ______ Lake Michigan. There is nothing in the world like ______ Chicago meat industry.

  A. the, the  B. X, X     C. the, X   D. X, the



The basic aim of a writing course is develop the ability   61______________

to write whole compositions of different type. Students   62______________

attending the course are generally asking to write short   63______________

compositions of 500 and 1,000 words on their life,     64______________

studies, experiences and views on questions we are     65______________

interested. They are seldom or never asked to write     66______________

plays or poems. With other words, their compositions    67______________

will main be articles dealing with facts. In the following   68______________

pages, we shall first discuss the necessary steps in     69______________

writing a composition, but then the four common types    70______________

of compositions students should learn to write.


John was trying a new blue jacket in a shop. He looked    71______________

at him in the mirror this way and that and thought it nice.   72______________

He took off the jacket and told the shopkeeper to put them  73______________

into a bag. On that moment his friend Ron came in. They   74______________

haven’t seen each other for months. They were so pleased   75______________

to meet each other that they talked on and on. Then they   76______________

decided to have for dinner. John picked up the bag and    77______________

began leave. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked    78______________

John to pay for the jacket. John looked surprise but soon   79______________

realized what was the matter. He said sorry but paid for    80______________

the jacket. Then he left with Bon.


I received your letter was dated April 16 the day before    81_____________

yesterday. All of our family greatly delighted to learn     82_____________

how you are getting along well with your lessons.       83_____________

Time passes very quickly. After dozens of days, you’ll     84_____________

finish the middle school. What pleases us most is that     85_____________

you do very well to make up your mind to enter for the     86_____________

college entrance examination this summer. How wonderfully  87_____________

it sounds! Dad, as well as Mum and I, is with you. We wished  88_____________

you to make better use of your time. The full preparations    89_____________

you make, the surer of success you’ll certain be.        90_____________


When I was a child, I loved climbing ladders, trees and so   91_____________

on. Because when my dad called me his little monkey, the   92_____________

name struck and I came to regarding it as on for love. But I   93_____________

never expect that name to follow me into my office! Last    94_____________

week my brother Rob come to take me and my workmate,   95_____________

Julia,out to lunch. Almost by a habit, Rob called me “Monkey”, 96_____________

and Julia thought it funny. Badly still, she made a joke about  97_____________

it back in the office. Now lots of my workmate are calling me  98_____________

“Monkey!”. Not only is it shameful, but I worried that they   99_____________

won’t take me as serious as they did before.        100_____________

Key to Test on Nouns and Articles:

1----5 ACDBC  6--10 ACADB  11-15 CDCBA  16-20 CACBD  21-25 ABADC  26-30 BDACB  31-35 DCABD  36-40 ADBCA  41-45 BDACB   46-50 DABCA  51-55 CABDC   56-60 ADACD

Key to Proof-reading:



59. Many people are still in ______ habit of writing silly things in _______ public places.

  A. the, the   B. X, X    C. the, X   D. X, the

