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2.The letter could have got lost in the post.这封信可能是在邮递中丢失了。(说话人并不确切知道那封信是否在邮递中丢失)


He could have sent a message.






couldn't have done /mustn't have done

[问](1)-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

-It ______a comfortable journey.

A.can't be B.shouldn't be C.mustn't have been D.couldn't have been(全国高考, 95-15)


[答]我国出版的许多英语语法书和英语试题都特别强调:must用于表示"推测"(一定、必定)时,其否定形式只能是can't,而绝不是must not(mustn't)。例如,She must be asleep.=She can't be awake.(《实用英语语法》),情况是否真的如此呢?让我们先看两个反例:


1.I could have lent you the money.Why didn't you ask me?我本来可以把钱借给你的。你为什么没有向我借呢?(说话人确切知道you并没有向I借钱)


2.-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

-It______ a comfortable journey.

A.can't be B.shouldn't be

C.mustn't have been D.couldn't have been(全国高考,95-15)

could have done

[问]-I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

-Oh,did you?You ______with Barbara.

A.could have stayed B.could stay

C.would stay D.must have stayed(全国高考,98-11)

答案为A。但是,You could have stayed with Barbara?是什么意思呢?

[答]could have done可以表示两种不同的意思:A.某事在过去有可能发生,但说话人确切知道该事并未发生;B.说话人推测某事在过去有可能发生,至于该事是否真的发生,说话人并不确切知道---说话人仅是对过去事件进行一种推测,一种估计。请对比下列实例:


1.Mary ______my letter,otherwise she would have replied before now.

A.has received B.ought to have received

C.couldn't have received

D.shouldn't have received


3.They couldn't have left so soon.他们不可能那么快就走了。



2....her father could not have made such a mistake.(NCE)……她父亲不可能犯这样的错误。


1."You realize that you were driving at 100mph, don't you?""No,officer,I______ .This car can't do more than 80."

A.needn't have been B.may not have been

C.didn't need to be D.couldn't have been


II.21-25BABBC 26-30BCBCC  31.67  32.The parachute and the helicopter.33.Because he wanted to get the disciples’ expressions exactly right as each cried out, “Lord, am I the one?” 34.Because the painting is a real woman, whose child had recently died.35.puzzled  36.sad 37.A house bought by the police.38.A program for crime-prevention.39.A group of neighbors, including Sinclair’s own grandmother. 40.He considers them fami-ly.41.T  42.F  43.T 44.travel information  45.a travel service company  46.offered by  47.Programs by Design  48.Koala Tours Inc. 49.1-800-478-8068. 50.Music Appreciation,performance Tours, Art Tours. III.51.Be careful  52.agreement  53.good  54.in  55.hard  56.but  57.carry  58.will  59.handed  60.appreciate 61.events  62.part  63.out  64.published  65.who/that  66.with  67.by  68.a  69.money  70.taken  IV.71.几天后,我和两岁的女儿朱丽亚沿着一条砖铺的小路迈向崭新的友谊。  72.然而,我们的友情却因为我们共同分享的东西而日渐深厚。  73.但是,真正使我们记忆犹新的是我们相互扶持的时刻。每当风暴切断了供电,我们两家人都会在烛光中依偎在一起。  74.“朋友意味着,当你有困难时,她会为你放弃手头的计划;当你有所作为时,她会分享你的喜悦;当你经历痛苦时,她会为你而难过。”  75.“朋友鼓励你实现梦想,并为你出谋划策--即使你不接受,她也会一如既往地尊重你,爱护你。”  76.Seen from the top of the hill, the small town looks even more beautiful.  77.How do you suppose he was able to finish the work so soon?  78.It was only when I read the poem again recently that I began to appreciate its beauty.  79.Yao Gang can not have gone abroad because I saw him in the street just now.  80.After living in the United States for 10 years, I returned to the hometown where I grew up as a child.   V.When I look back on that year, I can hardly believe that           81. one person could have such a terrible luck for a whole year.           82.  a    It was the night of January 26. One of my best friends were           83. was  celebrating her birthday at the local roller-skating rink, and I was invited.  84.  had been After a few minutes of the skating, I decided to go out for a Coca-cola.    85. the   Unfortunately, I didn’t notice the trailing ribbons of carpet which had    86.   wrapped around the wheel of my skate, pulling my left leg^under me.      87. from  My leg was broken. It wasn’t just broken in one place, and in four places!  88.  but   At the hospital, the doctor set the bone and puts a cast            89.  put   in my leg. Three months later, I felt like a new person.            90.  on    Sadly, the happiness wasn’t meant to last.Five months before the        91. after  final cast was removed, I fell and broke the other leg again.           92. same  Not until did it rebreak but also it broke in the same four places!       93. only  We found ^later that it hadn’t healed correctly. Three months later,     94.  out   it was early December and the end of a year I ^wish  to repeat.        95.  didn’t    VI.96.6(提示:4×9=36)   97.      98.Dick  99.Belle   100.DOOR           VII.One possible version:   From the graph,we can see that there were two peaks in the sales of the book “How to Improve Your English”,one was in February,the number of students who bought the book was 30,000;the other was in July,the number was 60,000.The number in July paring the sales of the book between January and February,we find that it increased 3 times. Why did the peaks occur in February and July?I guess it was because they were holiday months-winter holiday and summer holiday.During that period,many students had enough time to go to the bookstores.   Also,the book was useful to the students,and they liked it very much.   Therefore,the sales trend is still moving up-wards.We can guess that in the following months the sales situation will be getting better and better. 


I.1-5 CBACD  6-10 DCBBA   11-15 CCBBB  16-20CCDBC

