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10. even from my childhood, my father often told me that ____ .

    A. pride went before a fall      B. pride goes before a fall

    C. pride went after a fall           D. pride goes after  fall


9. My companion was sitting silent now, __ in thought and murmuring some words now and then.

    A. lost       B. was lost       C. losing     D. being lost


8. ____ seriously wounded, ____ he fatly refused to quit the battle line.

    A. Although; yet`      B. Though; but        C. Although; still      D. Though; still


7. As science and technology developed, electric trains have now ____ steam train England.

    A. taken place in      B. take the place for C. taken place of     D. taken the place of


6. Where was it ___ Einstein received his doctor degree?

    A. what      B. which        C. that       D. as


25.This house needs a lot of ____ _____ we can live in it.

A. repairing; before  B. being repaired; after       C. repairs ; before     D. repairs ; after



24.Shall I keep your company to go on holiday? Thank you just the same, I have usually gone on a holiday with a friend, but this year I have decided to go___.

    A. on my own     B. of my own     C. by myself      D. of my self


23. The enemy will not perish _______. They will fight to the end. So we must get ourselves fully prepared for a long-term war.

    A. by themselves      B. for themselves      C. of themselves       D. to themselves


22. He ____ told me that if I don’t work hard I’ll have to get out to the graduate school. What he said to you really meant that.

    A. as well as      B. as good as     C. as long as         D. as far as


21. When John had a fever, he went hot and cold ____.   

    A. in turns       B. in turn           C . by turn       D. by turns

