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22. ----Does he work hard?  ----Not at all. Nobody else could be ____.

   A. harder      B. more hard-working  C. lazier     D. more lazily


21. Since the plan has been worked out, we must put it into ___. A. practice

   B. reality   C. action     D. fact


20. There ____ no strong earthquake in this area in the near future, people are easy in mind.

   A. is      B. will be        C. being     D. is going to be


19. ____ several times, but he still doesn’t know how to do it properly.  A. Being shown

   B. Having shown        C. Having been shown      D. I’ve shown him


18. ----Do you mind if I smoke here? ---- __________.  A. Er, you’d better not 

   B. Yes, you can smoke here    C. Of course, I don’t    D. No, please don’t


17. Not until he got off the bus ____ that his wallet ____. A. he found; was stolen

   B. had he found; had stolen  C. did he find; had been stolen  D. had he found; had been stolen


16. ----Do you think the bad weather will ___ ? I can’t stand it any more.  ----I ___.

   A. go on; don’t hope so     B. keep up; hope not

  C. take up; think not         D. keep on; don’t think so


15. ----Jack fell of a ladder yesterday, but he is all right.  ----He’s lucky. He ___ himself badly.

   A. could wound     B. could have wounded  C. could hurt  D. could have hurt


14. ___ is well known,____ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997 after it had been taken away by England for 100 years.  A. It; that  B. It; which  C. As; x  D. As; as


13. ----Excuse me, but could you tell the way to the Beijing Zoo? I am a stranger here.

    ----________.  A. Sorry, but I’m a stranger here my self.

    B. OK, it’s not far from here     C. Yes, you go ahead, and I’ll follow you.

    D. Well, walk fast, and you’ll soon get there.

